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  • things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 26. 2005 12:11

Here is a perfect example how blind the TEAM NF is. look at his name. everyone knows who
he is using in his shipname. adolf hitler. its political and its immoral and every jew
who has relatives surviving or murdered in the holocaust is hurt by that noob. BUt Team NF
has no problems with people having names wich regard on mass murderers. So maybe i can
call my next ship MS Slobodan Milosevic, or Josef Stalin. Oh stalin is used by someone.
maybe i call the next one muhamat atta. Everyone would shout ban that ashole. but here???

U have a double moral...

PS: In This thread I will post all shipnames and nicknames wich are immoral like that one.
or U drop that namerule.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:28

I support your view maxnoze, but your going to have to turn a blind eye. some
people think that kind of shit is funny, and your just going to have to live with it.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:23

bushranger2 U R right. I don't balme one for all, and thx for a taste of your political
knowledge. I know that there where more working out the plans at the wanseekonferenz in
33. but Mr. A.H. was the one who could have stopped it, instead of he forced it. so he is
not the one to honor with naming ships after him.

i know that adolf is a common name, but the translation off brutus13 shipname is:
adolfsrevenge2. in germany it is well known what he means with that.

cmon how stupid is that. if i would say something including >two towers collapse< and end
it in a joke, and say ohh i mean the two sandtowers at the beach ;-), what would say then.
it is wierd to discuss this now.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:20

And now Gapiro, National Socialism (Nazi) is not Socialism. National Socialism is not
amalgamation of the National party and Socialist Party, but rather a political ideology
which focusses on the individual rather than the entirety of the people as Socialism
An extremist version of Socialism is Communism. National Socialism, is far closer to
Capitalism, with more power directed towards the government than other
Capitalist governments.

I was led to believe that National Socialism was actually a mix of Nationalism and
Socialism - for example, collectivised economy like Socialism, but only for citizens of
said country, like Nationalism. Strong military like Nationalism, usually dictator, strong
against crime, etc. Sort of, on the Social side: Nationalism. On the economic side:

Although I suppose there's always more than one way to look at things.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:19

I agree with maxnoze on the names but Adolf is quite a common name...

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:16

I have to say two things:

First Maxnose, you cannont place all the blame on a single person. In retrospect, those
who should take the blame for the casualties of WW2, should rest entirely on those who
took the lives, gave the orders for the killing, and those who produced the weapons for

And now Gapiro, National Socialism (Nazi) is not Socialism. National Socialism is not an
amalgamation of the National party and Socialist Party, but rather a political ideology
which focusses on the individual rather than the entirety of the people as Socialism does.
An extremist version of Socialism is Communism. National Socialism, is far closer to
Capitalism, with more power directed towards the government than other contemporary
Capitalist governments.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:16

royalnavymat nice to hear something from U. well U R very polite,
F.U.C.K.Y.O.U. is an shortage for what? instead of U I got a beautiful girlfriend to have
sex with. ask six milion killed jews if they think hitler is funny. think about lenin for
yourself. if u would take attention, i've mentioned that i dont care bout names, i care
bout the rules. But U dumpass canb't read and has no idea what this thread is about so
better get your ass in kindergarden or primary school. but thx for this helpfull post.

well could be that he refers adolf who?? but why should this adolf take revenge and for
what? we all know wich adolf he is refering to. but funny idea. is better than spamming
like royalnavymat.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 05:01

Not very likely, but what if he is referring somehow to Adolf Galland? He was
respected by all sides for his abilities.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 04:44

So what if I called my ship Comrade Lenin? Are you going to protest against that?

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 03:56

Bushranger your right Himmler and the SS did come with the plan to the so called "final
solution" but Hitler did authorize it albeit verbally because as he stated he did not want
his signature on anything that could hurt him should they lose the war.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 03:48

it's political: some guys still identify with with leaders of the third reich. and they
can feel supported when they see that other people tollarate naming ships after those

it's clearly offensive: maybe the dude who called his ship like that hasn't thought about
it for him it was just fun, but there still people living who suffered under the national
socialistic party in the mid of last century, and i think they will not smile and find it

puplic moral: that point we needn't to discuss, it's immoral that name, and he was
promoting the national socialist regime. a little difference

well again, i don't want to discuss the name itself, i like TEAM NF to make clear what is
ok and what not. and when they cant say it, they should cancel that rule, and let the
people decide wether they wanna play with hitler, stalin, L.B.Johnson, pol pott or whoever.

In fact i hope people beginn to think about the names of their ships, and what it tells
about them.
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