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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN FAQ: Read this first

    12. 18. 2008 00:39

v 2.3, September 1 2009

In order to cut down on redundant topics, and help inform people about major points of the
IJN, I've created this FAQ. I'm open to suggestions on any points that need to be added
or changed.

Q. Hyper or Special torpedomen?

A. Sort version: Special. Long version: Special is available 4 levels earlier, offers a
larger plus to torpedo skill, and has an additional level of classing available. All of
which combine to offer much better torpedo skill and true ability, making capping easier.

Q. Fuso or Ise (1937)?

A. Ise if your play-style involves a lot of running or if you want the CV remodel. Fuso
otherwise. the Ise has 2 forward and 4 aft turrets, so its broadsides are less even
(worse spread) and can't hit as hard while rushing, but can offer better stern fire. The
Ise (in my opinion) looks better, but that's not the best of reasons for choosing a ship...

Q. I'm level 12 and just got my Kagero. Where are the torpedo launchers?

A. The first set of torpedo launchers isn't available until you have armament sailors at
level 14.

Q. How should I armor?

A. If torps are a major issue: 0.2" belt and add bulge to just before you loose 1 knot.
This can be increased if they remain an overwhelming problem. If they are a moderate or
minor issue, 0.2" belt and bulk to almost loosing 1 knot. If they are a non-issue,
bulkhead as per before. Actual AWing may be possible with the Dhonburi, but don't count
on it anywhere else. IJN armor quality and ship displacements make serious armored
configurations impossible.

Q. When/how should I class my AA gunners?

A. Armarment Sailor at 12, Chief DP Gunner at or after level 62. Unless you are going for
the 40% vet cap, or use AA guns on ships before the B65 Project, do not class from
Armament Sailor earlier. With typical crews, you'll hit the reload cap about 5 levels
earlier than if you had classed on time. This may not a huge difference, but it helps and
avoids the frustrations of poor performance on earlier ships. Level 80 would be optimal,
but the offers almost no additional gain. If you are aiming for minimal weight (*cough*
Aingeal *cough*), class as late as you can stand. contains additional discussion.

Q. Which CV line should I take? (Hosho or Junyo?)

A. Whichever one you want; they are both pretty much balanced. See and for details.

Q. How should I setup $ship?

A. or do a search for that
ship. Torpedo choices are usually wider than gun ones. Use judgement with old threads,
as some useless gunsets (eg: dual 18.1", dual 12" 1905) have been deleted in various patch
cycles, and BBs are more restricted in what guns they can carry (eg: no 16.1" D on the Kongo)

Q. What ships should use I torpedoes on?

A. Yes: Kagero, Fubuki, Tatsuda, Simakaze, Kuma, Kuma-kai, Kitakami.
Maybe: Akitsuki, Akitsuki-kai, Yubari, Agano, Oyodo, Mogami (1944), Ise (1943).
No: Anything else. Especially not the Mogami CL, any CA or any BB.

Q. Which guns blockshot/how good do my gunners have to be?

A. The Triple 6.1"/60 Type 3 N and D variants. You'll need good base accuracy (11+ most
likely), boosts, 100+ vets, and lots of experts. Even then, you're looking at only a fake
block at late blitz levels. However, these guns have issues similar to the KM's triple
5.9s; they are shorter ranged and softer hitting than the approrpiate CA guns (7.9" and 8"
duals). They also are somewhat questionable at the CL level for the same reason.

Q. Is $weapon worth using?

A. Maybe. See,,
or search for previous topics. Note that the dual 20.1" Type 98A and will not be until
the ONF BB56 patch. Also, the dual 16.1" Type 90 gun are still of questionable value.

Q. I have an Oyodo (or other CV), how should I use it?

A. Hybrid CVs (Oyodo, Mogami
(1944), Ise (1943)) should generally use their R and T-slots. Also, if your CV/crew is
low enough to enter Blitz, try going there. You'll have a much less frustrating time, and
will probably be more useful to your team.

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    12. 17. 2010 06:50

pretty good info, i just wish IJN torpedos launcher were not as expensive as other

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 06. 2010 23:30

Not exactly. At point blank, HE (especially heavy HE) is generally more damaging. Due to
a quirk in NF physics, APC really shines at high angles (55 degrees or higher), often
outdamaging all HE. Since APC does near (if not equal) light HE damage at the maximum
ranges of most guns, I'll often use it in lieu of light HE for long range shots with DD/CL
(with a backbind or two of heavy HE for close in). Outside of those circumstances, you
only want to use AP/APC against armored targets.

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 06. 2010 22:19

ok, then regarding the use of Armour Piercing shells, they are denoted by either AP
or APC right? So, logically deducing, is it meant to be used when at close range
because that is when the shells will be closest to thier maximum velocity?

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 06. 2010 19:31

Michelle_Zen: While the T-slots of CAs and BBs are large enough to mount any kind of
torpedo launcher, this setup is of questionable value, even on the Hobbit War map in
blitz. The Mogami 1938, Myoko, Kongo, and Mogami 1941 all have a limited number of
T-slots and no ability to mount torpedo reloads.* The combination of the weakness of
their potential torpedo armament, longish range**, speed (notably reduced by the weight of
the launchers), moderate to large size, and relative fragility** mean that torpedoes can
harm them more than they can help. Run AA (very situational) or leave the slots empty and
level supports. This will give you better ability to evade those DDXs and Brooklyns now
(or get towards enemy aircraft/evade battleships if you're AAing in Great Battles), and a
better crew down the line.

phm96: That is a reasonable point about accuracy, though AFAIK the 4.7s need to be fairly
tight to have a decent chance of 1-shotting scouts. I was also under the impression that
AAW does either almost nothing, or was deactivated entirely. That said, if anyone can
come up with a good controlled test of it.
::ponders poking the phat one::

*The Oyodo and Mogami 1944 are wholly different creatures that can use torpedoes quite
well. They require a lot of finesse and multitasking to play well, though.

**Yes, I know about the Kongo's lack of range. But it still has long range by Blitz
standards, and vs other BBs, the range is long compared with the effective ability of its
limited torpedo firepower.

***The Mogami 1938 is particularly notable. It's the largest CL in the game (bigger than
most CAs and some BBs), and somewhat low on DP. If it hangs out too close to enemy DD/CL,
it *will* die while inflicting only limited damage.

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 05. 2010 22:06

Ok, I'll find the time to actually practice the aiming FCSs, but I was hoping I didn't
have to relive my gunbound days here. :P
Can the auxilery ports of the heavy cruisers and BBs be fitted with torp launchers? I
was hoping for large early game torpedo spamming for fun. XP

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 05. 2010 21:21

I'm using a pair of DP (class at lvl 85) with base: Acc+10, Rel+12,AAW+11 boosted.
I found that AAW is quit useful as it contribute to automatic mechine gun. I would
prefer acceptable Acc +10 (min +9) as I like to spam wider.

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 05. 2010 19:23

All ships (aside from subs) can carry auto FCS. That said, I recommend practicing manual
as soon as possible for it's various benefits. besides, actually aiming your guns and
lobbing shells ahead of enemies so that they walk into them is fun! =)

The dual 5.5" Ds would probably be a good choice for practice guns (on a Yubari or
Tsukikei); they have a reasonably fast rate of fire and low angles. Just run through the
sink enemy BBs (aka test) mission a few times, making a point to run away a bit.
Alternatively, if you are playing on New York/Bismark, message me. I'm generally willing
to help newbies out, and could provide a useful target. =D

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    07. 05. 2010 19:02

Complete newbie here.

Uhhh... I like the game but I'm not too good at the aiming FCS, what are the highest
level ships one can get hold of that still use an Auto FCS?

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    09. 03. 2009 01:35

Thank you, Lots of great stuff here.

  • Re : IJN FAQ: Read this first

    09. 02. 2009 14:11

The lack of discussion on secondary stats is a reflection of the limitations of my
knowledge (especially when the guide was first written), experience at the BB level, and
that few people ask about it (despite being fairly important).

I'll see what I can put together for crew setups/stats.
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