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  • Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 12:21

After getting my M Pro, I've become a very appealing bomber target. I get bombed about half of the all-welcome games I play, and I can rarely turn fast enough to keep bombers from hitting my wide ship. I'm also training my AA gunners up to lvl 30 to use the rapid fire duals, but right now they're just on crappy singles. Are there any good ways to avoid DBs? Should I use my scouts to keep them busy? Stay near large ships for their AAW and flak?

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 14:38

Turn into the bombers then before they get above you to drop, overheat and turn the other way. Works unless you have a slow and fat ship like my SD.

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 14:35

Active defenses:

1. Dodge...with an big and sluggish Mpro, this is not so effective, however it is better than nothing. You usually can't evade an entire flight, but a few bombs might miss.

2. Get the excellent German AA guns and learn your AA. For an bomber attack to have the best chance of success, it must come up from behind, where the mpro can pack 3x2 AA guns and swat planes out of the sky. If the enemy planes come from another angle, their hit rate would drop dramatically and with some dodging you should be reasonablely surviable.

Most lower level CV don't pack enough planes to attack everyone afloat, and if you've shown yourself to be an dangerous AA platform, most CV will avoid you unless you are defending an major target (CV/BB/gold CA) otherwise it is simply not worth the plane losses to attack you.

Passive defenses:
Check where the enemy CV is, both by tracing enemy flight patterns, using scouts and guessing. Position yourself so that the CV have an long way to go to reach you, and have to face either AA or fighter interception, or at least an big bait like an yummy BC. Also note that dive bombers have short sight range, so if you hide under large patch of clouds or move out of their path early enough so that you AAW don't give you away, they might not spot you, at least not rightaway. The longer they spend, the more likely they get intercepted by fighters or flak, or choosing an quick target to bomb before the said bomber gets intercepted or run low on fuel.

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 14:23

Avoid bombers in a M-pro? Dont go into all welcome games >.<

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 13:28

you realize if a CV is smart enough to come from behind you you're dead right?

never let bombers sneak up your butt

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 13:22

if the planes go west, go west too

planes must come from behind , so you can kill them easier

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 13:03

M-Pro has very poor AAW. Their bombers can dive very low onto the M-Pro without being killed. So yeah, you are pretty much food.

  • Re : Any good ways to avoid bombers in M Pro?

    10. 23. 2005 13:00

If you dont have 30+ AA gunner with M-pro the only thing you can do is avoid games with CV큦. If you train AA gunner dont forget that you need a pair(2) of them, with your CA. If you dont have AA gunners you are an easy sitting duck for CV큦.
Its better to have a singel gun than nothing if you play All welcome games. CVs pick CL with out AA first.
Good luck!