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  • CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 15:13

CV Captains for the most part are not team players. They want AA cover but will not help in return. Carriers are supposed attack Carriers first. The Capital Ships on your team will love you for this. It is pointless for a CV to attack a CL on the opening of the battle. Go for the CV. You say I'll lose all my bombers, if you lose all or half of your bombers on the first sortie, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY BOMBERS ON BOARD.

I'm sick of Carriers bombing gunships while the opposing carrier has a free ride to attack what he will.

TeamNF should help this out by upping the exp gain for a CV attacking another CV.

I would send an email, but all the emails I have sent have been ignored by TeamNF. So I'm sick of wasting my time.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 24. 2005 10:10

What I don't understand is why instead of arguing with Tiduslink (one of the best CV players in the game IMHO), people arent asking you for spesific tatics, ie: What angle do you prefer to come at? Where do you usually find CV's? What stats do you look for in a good bomber? What tatic can other ships on your team use to aid your bombing of CV, Spesific areas to scout? ETC....

Learn from those who have been there before you and you shall succeed.


  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 24. 2005 09:59

No secret a kita will torp wall, so you should be able to avoid the torps. I will not bomb a kita at the start, it is not good tactics for the overall win. Taking out the CV is tactically sound. No CV on opposite team, means you do not need to launch fighters.

Oyodos are not Carriers. They are Scout Carriers. They should only carry fighters. I hate the oyo, its level is too low meaning those that have them have not seen enough battles to know what is needed to be done.

Smedd and myself will continue to destroy all CVs at round start. So Carriers that oppose us, I hope you like wasting time trying to bomb gunships. You will not last.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 19:46

I love how you say they are out of range, then scarfice your bombers, thats the key. Half the time I run of of fuel long before I find the CV's or at them but you know what. Once I kill them it was more then worth it.

As for Oyodo's get some good fighters and run all fighters and maybe a few DB for self defence. But fighters give more money and exp then bombing.

What a good starting tip;
- Load 2 squad of DB (send to other CV's [not in the same path])
- Load 1 squad of fighters and 1 squad of bombers all the time after that.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 19:40

if you are in CV1 or above and have DB's and fighters, you are fully capable of bombing a CV on the other end of the map. by CV2 you have no excuse to not be able to unless you have absolutely no DB's, since you have the slots and the space to have PLENTY of fighters, bombers, and scouts for finding targets on your own.

Germans have the best fighters and early DB's, they don't have much reason not to at CV1 unless they're pitted against someone with second-stage fighters.

anyone who's used fighters should be able to figure out how to get around them. it's not that hard. anyone who watched CC vs NF should know how as well.

and you don't necessarily get more exp off a BB since most are lower level, and even if you did, 50 exp more doesn't make a difference since your exp is crap either way.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 19:23

Here is my strategy in almost all battles that involve at least 3 cv and 1 bb per team. I put up one scout and ask my team to also scout for cv and keep scouting until their cv are dead. Most of the time my scout gets shot down. So if the other scouts have not found the cv after I have already launched my bombers I will find a target of opportunity, either a CA or BB or sometimes a Kita. I am not gonna waste 5-6 DB (which by the way take 30-45 seconds to load) looking for a cv and probably running my db into their fighters. My second squad of planes that go up are fighters so only after that can I luanch another squad of DB. That is close to 3 minutes into the game. If the CL and CA would scout I would be happy to bomb their CV as they are my biggest threat, but CL CA are more worried about little dd's creeping up on them, when they dont realize if the CV are alive they stand a better chance of getting killed by db than a Somers or Z99. Scout for the CV, if you dont thats fine I will have 12 fighters in the air protecting me and not you, so when the Db start coming overhead thats gonna be your problem not mine.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 17:06

Combat Air Patrol:

(DOD, NATO) An aircraft patrol provided over an objective area, the force protected, the critical area of a combat zone, or in an air defense area, for the purpose of intercepting and destroying hostile aircraft before they reach their targets. Also called CAP.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 16:58

What the hell does CAP stand for ><

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 16:53

Kita is an strategic area denial weapon that also serves to kill newbies. The main use with the kita is that it allows the opposition to basically leave on flank "open" with the kita and its walls, and focus on crushing the other flank.

But really, what an CV should do really depends on the team composition:

If your team is DD centered, with lots of new pocket CL DDs and TW DD, the main role of CV is to neutralize TW cruiser, block CA, BB, anti-DD that order. Once the CV kill anything that can stop the DD swarm, its victory. Kill enemy CV only as self defense.

If the team is CL/CA centered, kill the opposing CV, BB, CA ASAP so your gunline can slowly attrition the opposing fleet down without being punished. CAP does not work well because of the area covered and the fact that CL/CA are petty close to the front, giving CV players little time to vector in interception.

If the team is BB centered, do everything to neutralize enemy CV attack either though heavy CAP or CV attack. (CAP is not necessarily less effective, as low CV lack planes and two flights of high lv fighter can stop half a dozen of CV1, while you can only bomb 1CV at once in most cases) After that try to do whats required to keep the BB's screen alive. (but dependable BB can do this themselves, so usually its good just to do CAP can bomb targets of oppunity outside BB range) If the enemy team revolves around a BB as well, one might try bombing that.

The thing is this, (lower lv) CV does damage SLOWER than gunships, let alone torp ships. Their main power is the ability to pick out high value, high threat ships and kill that. If your side depends on a few super ships that happen to vulnerable to CV, than the enemy CV can be an huge threat that needs to be neutralized. If your team depends on large swarms of largely bomb-proof boats, the CV can't really do much and high damage output ships are far more dangerous, like CA/BB with good spread. In the time it takes for one enemy CV to bomb a CL or 2, an enemy CA might have munch though half a dozen boats and created an gap in the front, allowing enemy DD to pour though and perhaps into the rear area you are around in.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 16:37

Ehh..with any of the real Vets on the team...Kita seems like the smallest problem to worry about.

  • Re : CV Captains...

    10. 23. 2005 16:36

Really?! i thoguht killing all of the other team's FF's would =) oh well
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