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  • Op. Convoy Spawn killing

    10. 23. 2005 16:52

2 Z-99's, 2 Dido's, 1 DDx, and a Tsukekei all spawn killing on a Op. Convoy.(You can't see one of the didos. Ships died in under 3 seconds of creation lol. We had 2 FF-02's running the crate back and forth also lol.

  • Re : Op. Convoy Spawn killing

    10. 23. 2005 18:26

its a legitimate tactic for one reason:

it keeps one side from retreating so that the round can be finished and the winning team can get at least one round worth of EXP.

I don't do it if the middle is controlled, but if the other team starts bailing (NOT COOL) you have to keep the proximity with them so they can't retreat and rob you of the win for the round.

after the round is over, there's nothing you can do to stop them from leaving when you're spawning across the map.