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  • How do I buy Z1?

    10. 23. 2005 22:18

Hi! I just made my crew German and I have a Bridge Operator. The problem is that when I go to the German shipyard and try to buy a ship it says "This function is not currently avaliable". How do I get myself a DD Z1? I can't even use my nuetral DD-02 anymore because my cre is German and new lvl 1 sailors can't use it.

Thank you for helping out.

(and to you who simply annot resist to calling me a n00b, all I can say is, you were once n00bs too)

  • Re : How do I buy Z1?

    10. 23. 2005 22:21

1) find a button "SHP" on the right bottom corner of your BO

2) click on that, and u will see a ship path window pop up

3) choose on Z1, then press OK

4) then u can buy Z1 in Germany ship yard