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  • The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 02:40

It seems they nerfed the bomb capacity from 50 bombs to 26... Also nerfed the torp capacity. All without notice or even announcement. The reason japs get CV's earlier is because of all the nation shortfalls in the long run. Worst armor (except bulge), repair, restore, AAW.... The list goes on. Oh yeah, now folks on Vancouver are complaining the Mogami needs to be nerfed...

Why? People griping (BIG SUPRISE HUH?)

Guess what? They are still gonna gripe!

Tell ya what, let's just screw the folks that picked japs as their nation completely...

Nerf the torp arming range to 5000 m. Make their planes crash into the ocean on take-off. Make the largest engine they can use a FF motor. Make their bulge the worst in the game (may as well be consistant). Heck, lets not allow the jap ships like TW and CV into the room... Oh wait, people already do that one...

The major advantages of being a jap are the early CV and their torps. Making no torp cl/ca/bb rooms basically says no japs. The Mogami I own gets pwned in every cl/ca/bb room I go into, I dont even make repair costs. Nerfing the CV line which as everyone knows is hard to get exp in anyway is just the icing on the proverbial pile of manure... IT STINKS!


  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 13:43

I won't argue that the Atlanta's gun angles are piss-poor, to put it lightly. I can see no historical precedent for this but I can not cite a definitive source to back up our opinion. It looks to me like the forward turrets should be able to fire at a rearward arc at least twice what it is now, the same for the rear turrets firing forward. The wing turrets should be able to fire into the forward quarters as well.

Given the track record of TNF, I doubt anything would ever be done about this and I am not entirely sure it would be in everyone's best interest. As it stands, the Atlanta is a difficult ship to use well but effective if one could ever master it. The original design was somewhat innovative with a double hull and other defensive measures as well as a high pressure power plant of a new design. (Both she and the Juneau took a pounding at Guadacanal before sinking - the Atlanta was actually scuttled, I believe.) Her rated top speed was around 32.5 knots, though reports state she was a bit faster. I doubt she was the dog to maneuver as it is in the game.
I also believe that part of our discontent stems from us coming out of a DD with its great angles and maneuverability so the contrast is particularly striking. Perhaps some input from other nations' players when they first got a CL would shed some light on this?

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 13:10


oyodo can be nerfed? -.-

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 13:04

I only use the ddx because the atlanta's gun angles are piss poor

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 12:55

Himmel, I am not being blase about a ship being 'nerfed', just trying to give a little historical perspective. But I did not see any great problem with them (as they were) over the last few months, to be honest. It is kind of annoying when someone TWs with one, but that is part of the game, I figure.

I could go and note that the Nelson class had structural trouble if they fired a full, simultaneous broadside. There are many other examples. Putting our own choice of armaments on our ships is pure fiction, let alone the amount of armor or the number and class of crew. So, yes the new DDs are complete fantasy. I think they represent NF trying to please the squeeky wheels out there and not thinking how it would effect game balance. We already had lots of DDs. There is definitely no shortages of DDXs and Z99s, though. Sometimes I wonder.

In fact, as the server ages (Seattle) we are actually seeing too few DDs and too high a percentage of them are the new classes. Open games (no cap, all welcome, etc.) are now forming with 6, 8, 10 or more CVs as well as several BBs and only 30 or 40 DDs at most (often less) & half or more are new models driven by 2.5 bar BOs and up. We need new blood, not unwelcome tweaks to something that has not caused a problem in the past.

I am not that great a player so if they 'nerfed' my ship, I might not even notice <g>.

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 12:26

I'll be able to block shot in the near future. With that said, I hope blockshotting is nerfed.

I think the Oyodo is the most inaccurate ship in the game. You simply wouldn't be able to land squadrons on it. If anything it should only let you launch 1 plane per pilot. It's a level 32 ship right? It shouldn't be that special.

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 09:11

Yes, I agree the Oyodo departs from historical accuracy. But then so do the new DD's. Add to that the fact that US ships fight next to the japs, the germans and the english can sail together...

One can only wonder if it was your main ship that was nerfed would you be as blase about it?

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 08:45

Yeah, I actually looked up the Oyodo earlier. It is a cruiser with a flight deck and hanger designed to carry six modified float planes, primarily for support of fleet submarines. The modifications to the planes was to allow them to double as fighters. They failed dismally. The planes were quickly shot down by the Allies, the plane program was scrapped and the ship (and I think one sister ship) spent the rest of the war as under-armed cruisers.

As a carrier, it is pretty much pure fiction. It does, though, add to the game filling a void in the ship tree and giving the Japanese an early start in their CV line. With NF the way it is, there is no way to use it in its best role, forward support or screening in a fleet action. It is not an assault carrier, it is too vulnerable to act alone. It is an auxillery carrier. As the average level of players increases (and, subsequently, the sizes of ships) the Oyodo becomes relatively less powerful. The other support carriers will suffer this fate, eventually, unless there is a major influx of lower level ships and players.

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 08:32

maby is cause the oyodo isnt a real cv so why should it have cv capacity its for support not being a cv you should mainly use fights and not bombs use fights to cover others thats why you also have guns so you can be some what of a combat ship too

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 06:36

Gott in Himmel! Do you know what the Oyodo was actually armed with operational use?

6 x 6.1" guns (2 triple turrets).
No torpedoes. Zero. None.
2 scout planes. That's two planes, not two squadrons.

In fact, it was such a dismal failure as a carrier that the hanger was later replaced with flag bridge. How about all of us non-JP players start whinging for the Oyodo to be nerfed back to its operational specification? Would you like that?

  • Re : The Oyodo nerfed???

    10. 24. 2005 05:38

Its important to communicate changes, but in all seriousness. Do you really think bombers should be taking off from that ship in the first place?

I'm not sure where they put all those planes let alone land squaderons of them.
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