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  • 3/10(3/11) Maintenance: Servers down 10PM- 1AM PST

    03. 10. 2010 17:41

Servers will be down on the night of Mar. 10th, from 10PM through 1AM (3 hours)
Pacific Standard Time. (Mar. 11th, 06:00 -> 09:00 GMT/UTC time)

**The maintenence time has been extended due to additional stabilization
processes for the new nation patch.

Patch 1.285

1. At Great Battle 2, there will be a notice for everyone notifying who the Flagship is
when the battle starts.

2. The Flagship will gain Exp bonuses for personal attack points on Great Battle 2.

3. The team bonuses for Great Battle 2 will be increased. (30% increased for winning
team, 20% increased for losing team.)

4. Fleets can now own 2 harbors at the same time.

5. Fleet leaving penalty will be shortened from 10 days to 7 days.

6. Fleet Penalty for Harbor Assault failure will be shortened from 14 days to 7 days.

7. Only BB classes and CV classes will be selected as Flag ship for Great Battle 2.

8. More BB, CV will be able to join Great Battle 2 (BB max : 20, CV max : 8). Also, at
least 36 players will be needed to start Great Battle 2.

9. Issue for loading classed sailors on neutral ships will be fixed.

10. Accuracy data for MN BC Auto FCS will be corrected properly.

11. Premium ship MN Dunkerque will have all components equipped by receiving in
Shipyard. Also players who already have MN Dunkerque will recieve a compensation
for the default armament price.
