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  • Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 24. 2005 16:12

Dear Fans of NF,

On November 5th another Clan War will be held. A few months ago Vancouver
server has been started up and since this is a seperate server there will have to be
seperate clan wars for both Vancouver and Seattle.

Now Seattle does have enough clans to justify a clan war. However it is not known if
there are enough clans already on Vancouver to also justify a clan war for their
server. Therefore we want to inventarise the number of squadrons and fleets on
vancouver whom are interested in playing a clan war on November 5th 2005.

Please if you're part of a vancouver clan which is interested in playing a clan war
leave a message in this thread stating your clan name and leader. Also we would
like to have an estimation of the number of players your clan has and the
displacement you can likely fill. Also a list of special ships (BB, BC, CV, TW) would be
very welcome.

Please keep this thread as informative as possible and refrain yourself from

If it appears there is enough interest a clan war will also be held for Vancouver.
Otherwise Vancouver Clan War be postponed to a later date.

Thank you in Advance,

on the behalf of teamNF,

Babs out!

PS NOTE: Bismarck=Seattle, Vancouver=Prince of Wales.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 26. 2005 10:49

bumping to let clan members see.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 26. 2005 06:28

Heres -=AUT=- Clan ! austrians only :)

Clan: -=AUT=-
Leader: struppi (radioman: massaguru)

Ships of AUT:

struppi: Attacker, soon York
massaguru: Baltimore, brooklyn
kinglui: m-Project, P-Project
sprawl: Z99
ocrea: Z99
habsburg: M-Project
navyship: fubu

or something like this ... i hope there will be a war

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 26. 2005 05:25

yeah thats true but they might join other clans just for the war unless 1st ssf is set
back up. Theres tonnage limits so this would mean not all of valiant would be able to play
and it wouldn't be able to field all its big ships. RTN from what i've seen have quite a
lot of torpwhores and 2 kitas i think so there would HAVE to be a limit of 1 for the sake
of the small clans lol. I don't think valiant have an active flattop haven't seen piroman
for about a month.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 23:26

ah but absolution Zombie and Alanvan are clanless people so they dont really count
when figuring for the CW

so is champy and most the other flattops

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 21:41

We've got the PIRATES

Extremely Active units: 1-CV 1-CA 2-CL 6-DD

Fairly Active: 2-CL 14-DD

Deactive: 4 DD


Leader: Obiwan210

(Ship class may vary. for example I own a Z-99, M-Pro, and Fubuki.)

We have alot of DD-03's plus our carrier and few CA's/CL's we could do a clan match.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 19:38

i don't think a clan war is proper yet for Vancouver. There is Valiant with mostly CLs/CAs ships. The other clans Pirates/RTN mostly have just DDs. Just wouldn't be a fair game just yet. All the other clans would have to be combined in order for them to be a match for valinat.

Maybe for vancouver would be a good idea to post pone it for a month. During which time more clans will spring up, more people will gain higher level ships. And it will actually be equal.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 19:27

zombie and alanvan both have bb's n they aren't in valiant there is also a few onther players outside of valiant with flattops. Looked at clan player number there 39 members in valiant.

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 18:27

problem is only valiant actually has any BBs at the moment most clans have 2-3 CA's 1 oyodo a few CL's and some DD's probably about 150 tonnes max

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 13:07

For Vancouver it would have to be

Tonnage of 250 (maybe 300)
2 CV's
3-5 CA's
1 kita/kuma
5-8 fubu's
and as many dd's/cl's and ff's

Just a thought on the ships and tonnage allowed.

Clans in Vancouver Valiant, RTN, =GAS=, =AUT=, Pirates, Spartans, BRA_, NRNS and Hengas.

Not too sure about Venom think they've been disbanded. Also is the clan war event in cluded on Vancouver?

  • Re : Inventarising interests in Vancouver Clan War

    10. 25. 2005 04:53


=]GAS[= Clan, Golden Anchor Squadron.

Clan Leader, Revelation1

Clan Membership, 13

Hopefully by Nov 5th, we will have 20 members.
1 2