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  • Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    10. 24. 2005 21:21

You cant say none, there is always a first and last. So order them from most closely linked to history to most outrageously inaccurate.

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:30

the neutral navy best resembles its ww2 record.

why u say

well all the neutral countries were all over run with ease(no offense)

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:26

More then not the jap ships are the closest to the WW2 counterparts...they where
torp whores...plain and simple..course I dont agree with some players take on that
but whatever.

km comes in second...they might have ranged nerfed and aa beefed a bit but
germans do outrange most ships their class.

Brit 3rd. Power whoring and armor whoring...nuff said.

USA dead last. There is some odd issues with some usa ships. the guns seem a bit
off for a country known to be a "sleeping giant" and the fact that usa ships generally
owned anyways. Plus the installation of radar as a semi standard on usa ships...and
of course the range issues on some of our ships...(ive heard the 14" are pretty
shitty and they shouldnt be) We like things big we like power its never changed...
(we got the shit bombed outta us and we still won in the sea)

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:17

not to mention US accuacry nerfed

can any one say radar?

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:16

KM: range beefed

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:15

I'd proabably say Japan, as they're the only ones that dont have an arbitrary beef/nerf to
them...well, except maybe armor x)

US: AA guns nerfed for no good reason, range nerfed (so it seems)
UK: Range / accuracy / damage beefed for no good reason
KM: AA guns beefed for no good reason, accuracy / damage nerfed for no good reason

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 20:02

damn it crash, i was gonna say that

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    11. 01. 2005 19:55

if things were realistic the US would be the "OWNAGE"

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    10. 25. 2005 01:16

England's is the most realistic... I mean they got HMS Repair and HMS Refit just about exactly right... -.-

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    10. 24. 2005 21:46

japanese are probably the most realistic, as they are fragile, have average weapons and generally can do ok

german=fiction navy

brit= teamnf has a hardon for them (DEFENSE AND ATTACK I MEAN WTF)

usa= probably 2nd closest, as they have crappy bb's, limited range (though the 12 inchers historically went 7 miles, you'll find that in game its closer to 20 of your shiplengths....)

you really cant have an historically accurate game with set values... i mean its not like every ship had an EXACT damage point that once exausted they would sink...

  • Re : Which nation most closely resembles its WW2 record?

    10. 24. 2005 21:34

I dunno about brits being realistic. 8" shells pop 0s to their BBs and can land all their shells in a <1 inch radius.
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