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  • So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 14. 2011 05:51

Just a wild shot outta the ole NavyField Dark, what exactly are CV's expected to do during GB2?
(Considering GB2 is all anyone can play because nothing else pays out experience or credits,
even though the pay on the experience for experienced CV players is crap) (I should expand on
this, considering I make at the very most 20k experience per pilot when I spend most of my
time scouting, but if I do anything other than scout EVEN BOMB AT THE VERY END! I catch flak)

First thing that comes to mind for about 95% of BB players.
I remember when CV players used to tell the BB types to go fly a kite but thats another subject.

Do any of the honest hard working cv captains feel a bit put upon when a bomber whore is on
your team? I do, I mean I have to work harder scouting.. while he just spams bombers and
racks up attack. For the love of god I actually had a BOMBER WHORE tell me I wasn't scouting

We train for months on end so our fighters will be top notch.. is scouting all we're good for?

I'm trying very hard to meld into the whole GB2 crowd, considering there is no other way to
make decent experience. Is there any way to make everyone happy? Certainly not. However,
I've come to the conclusion that theres just no making ............. I would say everyone but the
truth is........... ANYONE happy. I can sit right behind the BB line and spam fighters for 8-10
minutes straight, drop the 'vision' for thirty seconds and hear NOOB CV, SCOUT SOUTH! with
no delay.

BB captains are up on the front line doin' there thing.. takin time to pick thier shot. They get
popped for one reason or another and who do they target with the accusations? Did it ever
occur to them that they shouldn't have been sitting back waiting for the right opportunity? That
the guy that just sent 3 waves of 10 fighters is sending even more fighters now so they could
see... fighting against 4bar gold emdens/moltkes.. lvl 120 tier4 ftrs... and gas
consumption.. just so they have thier precious 'VISION'. I actually had a guy tell me tonight he
can send fighters over the enemy AA and not lose a single fighter.. mmm BULL*&%$
Four Bar Gold Emden? .. sorry but your full of it dude.. even if he doesn't have his angles right
all he has to do is spray in your direction and at least one will fall. And lets not even touch on
Flagships and SS's.

SCOUT NOOB! that is by far the most prominent two words in the CV's vocabulary.
Everyone wants 8 cv's to magically appear in thier GB games but can't figure out why nobody
plays cv when the insults fly so freely when a certain side loses.

Bottom line is I dont think BB captains understand the impact they have on the CV pilots. I've
been grinding (almost up to Shinano now) for about two months and am still amazed at the
insults I recieve on a daily basis. I can spam fighters for half a dozen games, same number,
same technique.. SAME WAY. If we win its fine but if we lose.. it always seems to be the CV's

I am truly trying to stay with the popular consensus and use fighters mostly to scout for the
better of my team. But with such a low experience gain, and the constant insults why shouldn't
I just bomber whore and ignore everyone?

/flame on


  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 20. 2011 18:26

Its not my job to scout.
That being said I do send my fighters over the other line but I not like keeping them
there until they run out of fuel it screws up my rotation. Now if I have say 2 planes
left I might keep them there. Or if I have BBs who are actually engaging the other teams BBs
I will leave them there.

JoMaMMa said it best.
"In all seriousness, now adays i think 90% of the bb players are complete retards and
just suck hard the whole game they either ffffictory right down the middle, or drive a
strait line, AND/OR dont carry scouts. even though the whole time the enemy is blind
and partially scouted. I dont think CV's are as bad of an issue as some of the bb
players now. not that the CV's are any better.?

When I do (more often then not) control the skies %85 of the time my teams BBs are to busy
trying to kill one scout and not shoot at the L2 that is going to kill them. Note to SY
players if I have fighters up kill ships not planes.
And or I go one way and all my teams BB5s go the other way.

I also see too many CVs once again playing from the back of the map. CVers the closer you
are to the main line the longer you can keep fighters in the main battle area or over the
other team. And your bomber flight time is shorter. Plane recovery and relaunch are also
faster. If you can not see the teams main BBs on your screen at zoom out you are to far

Do not lump all CVs into one group there are those who help the team and not look out for
them self.

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 20. 2011 17:51

CV should assist the fleet effort in what ever manor they feel abel enuff to.

as for bb's screaming scout scout scout... well you have your own dam scout planes use
them more wisely

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 20. 2011 16:57

I stopped playing my CV because of this. My US CV 4 hasnt left port in MONTHS and
my pilots are getting nice and fat. *shrug* Maybe I will sell them...

And about players telling you where to turn or move to, sometimes they are trying
to help and not flame you because sometimes CV drivers are hell bent on managing
3 FPs and 2 DBs at once and might not notice that you are about to drive into rocks
or that a sub has snuck up on you or that 4 QVs are rushing at you :P So I dont
mind when people say "Rem, get the hell north fast" It makes me take a look at
whats going on near me.

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 20. 2011 13:57

Farazelleth, ur right, my bust, I haven't played a CV in over 4 months, its 8 pilots, I
usually carry 5 ftrs and 3 db but have the ability for up to 8 ftr pilots or up to 5 db
and 2 tb.
But you're wrong on the committing suicide is a noob player move, it's a tactic to keep my
T4 fighters over the enemy stopping their scouts and ftrs BEFORE the leave their side once
they get to our side the enemy can se our BBs, this is provided you carry enough planes to
absorb the loss, I do, HOWEVER occasionally with a long battles I do run short, then I let
start letting the ftrs return.
Thanks for catching me on the numbers of pilots.

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 17. 2011 03:46

1. Hit F3

2. ???

3. Profit $$$

Never failed me once while running CV :)

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 17. 2011 02:07

Thanks for all of your interesting responses! Although they do vary there seems to be an
underlying tone. Having fun should be paramount it is after all a game. Making obviously stupid
mistakes (launching bombers while ftr camped etc) will get you nowhere. I'm slightly surprised
that very few people were against bomber ho'ing (some even supported it saying 'play your
own way'). I was very surprised at the low number of responses from players who believe a
cv's sole purpose is to provide sight for our bb brethren, considering the number of people who
are very vocal about this subject in game. I think my favorite quote was that of being 'thick
skinned' followed closely by crying as your bb's fail :)

To Fokker: Yes your reply in that game kinda put me over the top, having listened to
dozens of people over the last couple months who think they know better than everyone else
how to THEY should be running thier ship. Just because I didn't sail my ship the way you would
have done it doesn't mean I was wrong.

Did you ever stop to think that I didn't want to light up the remaining cv's for the seva? I went
through 50+ of my t3 fighters scouting throughout that entire game. By your thinking I should
have been perfectly happy using the last of my ftr to let the pbb destroy the 3 remaining enemy
cv's eating up all the attack for himself even though I had very little. I do my part keeping the
enemy lit up so we can win, waiting only until the very end to use my db's for a little attack of
my own. If I had lit them up would you have held back if I asked? Would the seva?

"Hey guys mind if I get some attack? I've been scouting all match." HELL NO you wouldn't
hold back and niether would he. Everyone in this game is so greedy.. how many times have
you seen a dd ask the same thing.. "Mind if shoot that cv before you sink it?" Not only does
he not get a reply but about ten seconds later three salvo's of sixteen inch shells land smack in
the middle of the enemy ship. The greed I can understand to a point, everyone wants to level..
its the nature of GB okay... Someone else tellin me I should bombing when I'm scouting... or
I should run away... or go north.. or keep the bombers from killing all the bb's in the room or
whatever No Thank You.

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 16. 2011 10:37

A CV, unless running as a bomber whore cannot load enough aircraft fast enough to really
address a BB threat.
The BB player base is so very poor, that a CV cannot rely on the BBs on the team to hold
the line long enough for a CV to attack and kill enough ships to make the CV a capital
threat. No where is this more obvious than in the Ice Age map where BBs die before the CVs
and Submarines can get into position. The fact that any BB dies from gun fire on this map
is a testament as to just how poor the BB player base.
The CV role, with the numerous dive bomber nerfs and the failure of SDNet to address the
AA TKin, is reduced to a support vessel.
Ahh, the Glory Days of Beta when the first CV 1s were viewed as a threat!

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 16. 2011 07:53

In a GB?
My job is to level stuff.
As I'm levelling new fighters, I'm running all fighters...
If I wanna have fun, I bomb other CV's back to the stone age!

I've found a new way to have fun...
Laughing at people who do 100k or so the whole game (thats what? 2 good salvo's
in a montana) spend the rest of the game hiding to repair, then rush the one time
they are blind and die...

Sorry dude, if your fighter-camped and almost behind ME? No, I'm not going to bother
clearing those fighters away when there's an Opro2 thats well in front of you thats
actually fighting. You're just taking up a BB slot...

As for 'calling me out', add my name to your radioman, jump in your PCV and join
rooms I'm in. I don't have the patience to trying to fight someone who will probably
just try and constantly drag (well, run away really) his or her fighters without trying
to engage (at all, if their fleetmate was anything to go by) whilst saying they are
'awesome' in a '1v1'. Sorry, my E-peen doesn't need massaging...

Anyways, off to work :-)

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 16. 2011 02:32

I think this film will show you how to use ur PCV properly ;)

  • Re : So, Whats a CV's Role?

    03. 15. 2011 22:31

meh, I wander into more gb2 games now with my CV now that I've gotten past the
UK CV Attacker into the CV Collosus.

I don't bother with FP other than locals since they're shredded meat for anybody
other than somebody at the same level as I am or lower with their own higher level
attack planes.

I don't have any DB (British don't exactly have good damage stats for their DB :o ),
so I use my multitude of TP as I can.

I avoid games that have 4 or less CV, frankly because of the issues BB pilots have
with their own... inadequacies (*coughssmallgrapefruitscoughs*), and use my TP to
scout as I can while making runs at any BB I can get a line on, or even better, taking
out some of their AA support ships. if I spot a CV (especially the flag), all the more for

and if any turd wants to complain otherwise, that person can either use their own
scouts if they want to see, or level up their own CV and scout for themselves.

although, especially as flag, I do try to avoid doing stupid lame things like:
-just sitting there, especially once they know where you are.
-ignoring when people are telling you there's a sub coming at you.
-or going where I shouldn't, namely in amongst the frontline, where a well placed
shot makes for a short lived game.
-etc, etc.

and unfortunately, if you do happen to tell a complaining BB player, or another CV
driver where to shove it, they're more likely to report you for it than actually clue in
that they're not helping themselves much in the first place.
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