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  • How can I add my own Insignia

    10. 25. 2005 08:48

I would if possible like to add my own image next to my ship name.
How is this achieved?

  • Re : How can I add my own Insignia

    10. 25. 2005 09:08

Thank you.
A very clear answer to my question, again many thanks.

  • Re : How can I add my own Insignia

    10. 25. 2005 09:01

The logo on most ships is the generic NF game logo, to change it you have to start a Fleet, a squadron still uses the generic one unless it is attached to a Fleet. KevinJ listed the requirements for a Fleet but you do need a minimum of players to maintain a Fleet, 30 or 50 I think.

  • Re : How can I add my own Insignia

    10. 25. 2005 08:56

oh, ok.

  • Re : How can I add my own Insignia

    10. 25. 2005 08:53

get a level 50 radioman and a couple million credits and then ask this question...