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  • HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 02:15

Since a lot of people are talking about HA related Banning things I was thinking of a
scenario that could of easily happened on either server. Here it goes...

Say Fleet A takes a harbor that is undefended from when Harbor Assaults started back
up.Fleet A has about 40-50 members when they attack.

Then next week's declaration Fleet B attacks Fleet A. Fleet B has 20 members when they
declared and still has less than 30 when they do the Harbor Assault.

Fleet A has now about 60ish members when this Harbor Assault goes on, but they only have
16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and of those they only have 7 that are either CV6 or BB6.
Most players in the fleet are Blitz players or just starting to get out of blitz.

Fleet B has 16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and 7 of those accounts have a CV6 or BB6, and
Fleet B has multiple BB6's and/or BB6,CV6 combination on one account. Where Fleet A
doesn't have any multiples at all. Also on average Fleet B has higher level accounts than
Fleet A. Therefore Fleet B has more 120 crews and ships, but they are still under 30 people.

Now Discuss would this be a bannable offense for wasting time, or would this be a
reasonable HA since, it is about fair number of players (accounts) with high level crews?


  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 11:56

The idea of not letting a fleet declare period if the fleet has less than 30 accounts is
a good one. That should be easy for the devs, and would ensure they fulfill the
minimum member requirement.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 11:42

Actually, what really sucks about this is the fact that since the "rules" for HA were made,
AFAICT (As Far As I Can Tell) NOTHING has been asked of the Devs to add in a simple code
for fleets that would cut out any grey areas of said "rules".

Something such as this:

To create a Fleet you must have 30 members in your Squad. If your member count drops below
30 at any time, the Fleet will be automatically disbanded.


Make Code that will not allow a Fleet Leader to declare on a Harbor if the member count of
the Fleet is less than 30. (probably the easier of these two options).



The "rule" could be changed to not specify a certain number, as many players have said
they originally asked for this, and just be a general statement that if a Fleet declares
and then performs one of the illegal actions explained in the "Aggressive Declarations"
section of the rules, they will receive punishment for it.

Do not fear Vick, I am going to suggest these to my fleet leader to be added to the
suggestions for the changes to make to the "rules" OR code, whichever is decided to be better.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 11:29

What really sucks about all this is if Rehor had even gotten a few more accounts
before he declared, he would likely still hold that harbor.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 10:21

Kangaroo man. I love Navyseal.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 09:36

*I wish test server discussion would get this much action.*

It did by rehor, he probably tested as much if not more than anyone else, great way to
repay him.

*Whats with the rediculous amount of players from 1 fleet commenting to this thread*

Didn't realize BS, JEDI, Regalia, SSGS, TTF, some members of FAWK and even untagged
players and players from Kaiser server where one fleet! (read all of the threads around
this topic and you will see how many are/were against the decision). In fact the only
people I have seen be for the decision are people from fleets who hold a grudge with him.


The rule was put in place to prevent people from wasting a fleets time that was currently
in control of the harbour the pointless attack was declared on. No ones time was wasted as
there was no fleet holding London upon Networks attack and FAWK basically gained a free

Could you say FAWK would have taken London with only 16 players if a proper fleet held
London? And as already been stated elsewhere shouldn't FAWKs leader be banned for bringing
under the number requirement of players? And don't you think if a real HA ready fleet held
said harbour it would have demanded the ban?

As shown elsewhere 'no', as they apparently have over the required number of players
within their fleet. In otherwords the rule is being bent is every illogical direction so
that Vick can justify his decision.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 00:54

Hey Kangaroo Man. I like the sound of that.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 00:52


Hey kangaroo man need some chapstick for all the TNF ass kissing you just did in your post? Next time you
want to make a legitimate arguement try not to make yourself look like a kiss ass, it really invalidates
anything you have to say when your just sucking up to someone. But hey while your at it why don't you just
offer TNF a reach around? Or will the kangaroo's get jealous?

Oh and did you ever think that its not a fleet defending him but individuals standing up together against
something that was outlandish & exagerrated?

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 21. 2011 00:01

What if it was the other way around. Example: 15-25 people defending with 30-40 attacking
would that be legit or would that be against the rules?

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 20. 2011 05:12

the rule state what a fleet need to be 30 member, anything under is breaking the
So you are saying he isnt wasting someone time , well thats saying that i rob that
guy because he had a million extra dollars and it ok. it not hurting anything. it still
NOW we have TNF stand up for someone breaking the letter of the law.
We dont neeed this...
we need Forum Mods to be taking real issue to the heads of SDE and making a case
for repairing a broken game.
T5 scouts >? still broken?
range cracks
fog of war cracks
and the list can go on for how long?
ijn sub work around . i mean come on mods lets get this crap fixed.
Stop making issues the rules clearly state. they are rules.let quit tring to find looop

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 20. 2011 00:34

What an interesting thread.. popcorn please stewardess

Whats with the rediculous amount of players from 1 fleet commenting to this thread, of
which by no way are any of them impacted by this ban. and they should NOT be letting their
personal feelings get in the way.

TNF continue do a good job and are seen to be applying standard rules to the server, they
obviously banned a player who broke the rules.. regardless of his stature, history or
people he knows.. he broke them, they banned him.. that is fair.
The rules are their to be a level playing field for all regardless of who they are.

For a group of vulanteers who look after the server - hats off to TNF for being able to
apply a standard approach to dealing with issues.

On a side note, sorry to see rehor banned, its Good to see a little fleet do HA,
unfortunately its bad that they broke the rules to do it. Perhaps some mini HAs can be
introduced for these smaller fleets. eg fleet with 50 or less members can fight over the
neutral harbor or something. I think there have been lots of suggestion posts about this.

Rather than focusing on the negetive everyone.. try find a solution for the future.
Perhaps TNF/SDE can work to making things more interesting for the smaller fleets to be
competetive amongst 1 another.

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