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  • Anyone else having problems with Escort ships not reloading after every battle?

    03. 23. 2011 21:11

I have been using my Escort ship for AA defense and sub detection for my BB's
for some time, however I have noticed that since the SN patch came out it
doesn't "Auto Reload" shells/binds after every battle like it used to. I am having to
take my Escort ship off the Escort list and reload the shells/binds after each and
every battle. Was there a change in coding for Escorts where you have to take them
out and reload shells manually?

I have "Auto Reload" set in the options screen.

Never before I have had this happen to me and was wondering if there was
Anyone else getting/noticed this bug/problem?

  • Re : Anyone else having problems with Escort ships not reloading after every battle?

    03. 24. 2011 01:41

Wow, V2... You have that problem too? Never had it on any account.

  • Re : Anyone else having problems with Escort ships not reloading after every battle?

    03. 23. 2011 22:19

I have always had this problem.