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  • FIX SN guns

    03. 24. 2011 19:59

OK , i havent seen anything about fixing the USSR guns range and power.
I am sure anyonet hat isnt using the SN will have to agree they are over powered.
BB2 or 3 can take out a monty in 3 shots. that thing is so small u cant even hardly
see it. by timeu range it , you are dead. Sn bb4 out ranges a BB5 of any nation .
come SDE u guys are failing badly.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 29. 2011 18:59

After playing Izmail line, only the Izmail itself seems OP to me, but it's also easy to
kill with it's paper armour and hitbox. The Kronshadt has average hitbox and pretty much
plays like the average bb3, the BB4 is so slow that anything can rush it and get in range
anyway. I guess the BB4 will be much better with 120 crew. :-)

I agree the Imperitsa M needs a damage nerf and possibly a range nerf. As it stands it can
just shrug off attacks without fear of more than 2 shells hitting most of the time and has
been sinking bb5 and 6. Though in the same vein, Lyon/Havre/Normandie need a slight nerf.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 26. 2011 23:44

"BB4 outranging BB5s is somewhat true, as stalingrad's 12" guns have similar range to
the monty.

But the BB5 in no way out ranges any BB6."

Not sure where anyone said that the BB5 outranges the BB6.

However, the RU BB5 has (on average) the largest full salvo range. I am interested to see
how it matches up with QV/Charlemagne.

And the Stalingrad's 12" guns which you championed are completely overpowered.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 22:18

BB4 outranging BB5s is somewhat true, as stalingrad's 12" guns have similar range to
the monty.

But the BB5 in no way out ranges any BB6.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 20:14

i wouldnt say ppl dont have skill. i dont claim to be the best bb player, but bb 4 out
ranging bb5. lets get a grip. i dont think that has to do with skill at all . it is simply
SDE getting ppl to get new line of ships out. i notice the skill lvl went down when HS
came out and now those awsome players are now back. might be a work around ,
who knows. im not claiming anything. i just want some feedback not cring about

Now how many of u played the test server and tried the USSR bb5 that out ranges
some of the bb6's ?

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 16:52

"Oh wow.... bout 80% of all the people playing have next to no skills and now that
they are faced with something that is hard to beat yall scream "NERF THIS ITS TOO

Really people. If you have skills you can beat anyone given the right circumstances".

And what if the ship in question has a driver with equal or even better skills?

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 09:02

what a ship that can kill a monty god no!!

about time the low level BB got some pay back lol but i do get the point you make.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 06:30

MN lyon can 1 shot BB5s. Heard people complain about that for a little bit and now its
pretty much forgotten. People will get over things.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 05:08

SN BB2s and 3s are fine (atleast the gangut line).

They have a poor spread at level, and are very slow.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 25. 2011 04:52

Oh wow.... bout 80% of all the people playing have next to no skills and now that
they are faced with something that is hard to beat yall scream "NERF THIS ITS TOO

Really people. If you have skills you can beat anyone given the right circumstances.

  • Re : FIX SN guns

    03. 24. 2011 23:25

Imperia Mariya is way more deadly then a NoManDie.. and look at the Rurik for lulz

Although i like that they suffer with the huge BB4 and BB6 tugboats.
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