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  • why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 16:37

What kind of silly host punches up 100 max and the starts at 32?

Come on, really?

I know it's their choice, but come on, if I know you'd be starting at 32, I'd not be
close to your room.

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 23:51

kita !? u mean subs ^^ gb 2 with 10 subs FTW!

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 23:40

"ye, nub hosters... need more ppl for kita players!"

Terri wins the thread.

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 20:05

so you can have 4 kita players to win games

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 19:44

Why make stupid topics all the time?

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 17:44


  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 16:58

Punch it up to 100 so you dont get 64 full with 19 BB and 1 CV.

Go at 32 to get moar exp without leecher SN dd.

Do both cuz the win host planned for either scenario and isn't nub.

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 16:54

Here's why I think. There have been too many battles where the room filled up to 64
and there were only 9 BBs 5 CVs. It turns out to be a balance issue so some hosts
drastically increase the limit to a number they would never start at to guarantee
(almost) that it would be even numbers.

  • Re : why start at 32?

    03. 26. 2011 16:48

ye, nub hosters... need more ppl for kita players!