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  • Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 06. 2011 09:14

In GB, bb with 40knts or more is often seen
should a bb really go that fast and capable to outrun/race small ships?
I wonder why SDE wont slow these bb down

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 28. 2011 12:58

The speed base is good but the overheat totally unbalance the game.
For the guy who say real speed was 40 knt for BB, here some intel:
BB average 30 knt (cf Yamato & Montana powerhorse)
SS 25knt and less than 10 knt underwater ( Narwhal)
Cv average 30 knt ( cf Nimitz, Bogue 18 knt).

BB average 25-30 knt depending armor.
SS, air supply strongly reduced, surface 20-22-25-28 knt for each tier, underwater minus 3
each one;faster than real but remember the air supply nerfed.
CV average 30 some like Bogue are faster.

Now add cap engineer on each and u get the unbalance: BB, SS, Cv doing 35-40+ knt.
More the fact BB get ofen higher crew than SS or Cv and it seem BB are faster than FF, DD,
SS, CV who don't match the crew level to cap engine's speed.

The true problem is the crew, not so much the base speed BB.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 21. 2011 01:54

Why do people like to paint bullseyes on themselves by starting threads like these?

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 20. 2011 15:55

I dun think they need to get nerf,
They are fine as they are,

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 19. 2011 17:10

@ Heroes

Yes, for the most part youre right. But its much cheaper to give off shore support
with some shells that are extremely cheap compared to the missiles in use, and
they'd still be relatively accurate with the technology we could use with them today.
Who knows, they might just start firing laser-guided bombs out of the guns... lol.
Although that and some ship that jams lock-ons (thinking WSG2 here) are the only 2
scenarios i could see a battleship that fires guns being better than missiles.


No. If that happens, cvs need to be slowed down, and SS's need to be cut to 1/4 of
their speed. At least.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 19. 2011 16:58

go go speedy BB.More food for my DB :)__

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 18. 2011 13:50

I dont see the point look at the latest DD ships coming into service they are like
stealth planes, something the size of the BB these days is just an easy target and
war on the high seas with ships these days wont happen everything is about the
push of a button now and missiles rule the skys

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 18. 2011 13:01

> at last i heard the Iowa class warships that we have are on somewhat of a
> readyness alert if they are needed...

Yes, there's a readiness clause in the museum donation agreements. Basically, the Navy
pays for part of the upkeep and once-a-decade refits on the museum ships in exchange for
them keeping parts of the inside of the ship sealed from the public and in a "ready to
reactivate" state.

Thus at any time, the Navy could reclaim the museums, refit them, and put them back into
active service. They likely won't because of the expense, but the option is there on the
Iowas as well as the two preserved South Dakotas (Massachusetts and Alabama). The option
was previously available for the USS North Carolina as well, but was de-funded and dropped
once the Iowas were added to the museum reserve program.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 18. 2011 12:27

ss should be the fastest in the game imo.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 18. 2011 12:11

cv should be the fastest in the game imo

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 17. 2011 18:07

trust me. BB going 40knt is nothing wrong compared to KM sub going 34knt under water
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