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  • Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 13. 2011 13:52

OK.. kind of a noobish question, but here is what happened. I had a KM bb crew and
re-classed my BO to CV.. I've made it through to europa with 4 fighters and 1 db and
(back at graf level), threw on my engies because I didn't have other pilots and buying
wasn't an option--so filled the slot with my engies.

well now I have a some credits and thinking I may get some more ftrs on the cv instead
of the engies.. but I love having the engies on there.!.. i get amazing overheat and
super long lasting.. I'm afraid I may miss it.. but then on the other hand.. how often
am I using them?...

Just want to see what some of you other cv drivers roll with.

Thanks !

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 21:30

How odd, well if it works

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 20:45

Engy will still work on bo slot.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 20:27

@ioh: Unless something was patched recently I believe engies only work on support slots.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 14:54

On the BO slot of a PCV the Engi fits pretty well.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 14:31

Cena with the BW CV LOL remember getting fighter capped by t1's :P


I run 5FP 1 TB 2 reps and then a random sailor on my essex and if you play it right you
don't need a engie.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 11:11

Its not always about YOU scouting dingy. If you keep the enemy fighters busy your team
should be able to scout as long as they arnt too retarded to dodge AA.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 09:56

"With more pilots your BBs are less likely to be sunk because of vision problems"

I've never believed it was the job of the cv to provide scouting, so this is a non issue for
me. The job of the CV is to bomb or use fighters--hence why no other ship can use
planes other than CV.. there are so many other ships out there that can use scouts..
my job is to keep the other enemy ftrs out of the sky so you can scout. If bb's dont
have scout on their ship, it's their own fault they become blind. I have no sympathy.

and I know it's not rocket science, I just wanted some opinions on it. As I said, I didnt
have any other options when I first had my cv load out and I am now looking at
changing it up a little.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 09:49

Probably more useful in CV rooms then anywhere else, the extra OH time/speed may make
dodging bombers easier and running from a trigger happy cv that doesn't have an engy.

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 06:42

meh just trade your fps, make sure you got 6 dbs and throw on some engies, maybe
1 rep and your sorted :)

  • Re : Thoughts? Engy on CV

    04. 14. 2011 06:40

I've alway run with one engi and two reps (on the gun slots) as my supports for a
PCV/CV6/Shinano. I never suffered the crew death to warrant a medic and a difference
a seaman would make is, imo, not worth the additional over-heat/rep capability that an
engi/repairman would give. An engi to run away from a sub/retreat in a HA when
needed and reps to quickly repair the damage that a sub sneaking through the
lines/BH'ing bombers can do.

Wouldn't trade any of my pilot complement to achieve that tho...
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