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  • Crashing Flag

    04. 24. 2011 17:22

Resurrecting an old topic from a year ago but in the event that a flag in GBII
crashes, have the flag transfer to another CV automatically. If theres isnt another,
have the strongest bb be flag.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 27. 2011 10:16

I like the idea of a NPC ship. although to just have it sit there like a lump waiting to be
sunk might need some improvement. but well worth looking into.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 26. 2011 23:23

It would be nice... But there is no way to predict who will crash.... and i'm not sure
SDE could have the game re-assign a flagship that quickly. I'm sure they might be
able to do it if the flag crashed BEFORE the game timmer hit 0...

Maybe what they could do is instead of assigning a flag at the split... assign the flag
after the game started. But if there was only 1 cv, and it crashed.... too bad, that
team's flag was sunk.

Because remember... they got rid of letting BB's be flag because then that BB was
either A: Useless, and had to leech the whole match. B: Couldn't play agressivly like
they normally would. C: They can't get sufficiant attack to level their crews.

So basically... It was a bad idea. The reason why the cvs are flag, is because they
have a greater chance of living. Since they get to hide in the back... Also, they can
still be of use... even at the back of the map.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 25. 2011 19:46

"The complete waste of time (up to 9:59)"

Actually it can last even longer than that, for indefinite amount of time.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 25. 2011 19:17

I concur that NF needs to address this problem.

Regardless of which team you are on, it is a lose-lose situation. If you happen to be
on the team with the lost flag, then your options are limited to a rush and die
situation or simply retreat...60 seconds later and receive zero exp and a loss on
your record.

The complete waste of time (up to 9:59); and especially for BBs who max the 20
limite early and wait....and wait...and then the f'n flag dies on start.

Sure is fun, huh?

I don't think a bot is a good idea because it would become predictable and easily
defeated. NF needs an feature to assign a primary and secondary flag.

If one CV crashes, then the secondary takes over. You could even salvage a game if
the first flag is sunk and have an automatic passing of command to another CV (if

I've seen too many times where the Flag crashed, and so did a whole lot of other
players on that team (alpha/bravo). I've crashed as the flag at startup. I've seen
20+ players vaporize on Bravo in 20 seconds.

That's an NF problem and they should compensate us for busted games.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 25. 2011 11:41

Or if the flag crashes, the ship must become a bot.

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 24. 2011 17:56

Why not have a 20 second timer (or maybe the same time as the AFK timer) or so that
transfers flagship status within that period?

  • Re : Crashing Flag

    04. 24. 2011 17:39

My suggestion would be to have a non-player ship on each team as flag.

An Initial B without guns or some other ship with lots of DP. It just sits there and the
team has to defend it.

Since it's not a player it can't crash and it can't forget to steer and run towards the enemy.