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  • What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 25. 2011 02:40

Do you think bbs without scouts and cvs without fgths should be not allowed in battle?
Feel free to post any comment here.

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 15:35

Thread has been cleaned.

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 15:31

You're right. He is a tool. Guess my point is that he's a tool if he has a scout or not :)

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 14:55

ignore him Lionel hes a toolbag

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 14:31

I don't care if BBs run around without scouts. Its just an annoyance when I started
getting flamed for "vision" and "nub" lol

Funny one happened to me today - The host asks if we want to go in GB2. There are only 2
CVs, me and a PCV. About three people shout "no" and "CV balance" . I say something to the
effect of no flames for being on my team with a CV 30 levels about me hammering my
ftrs.... and the host does it anyway.

So the battle starts with a few teammates talking about AA to make up for our shortfall.
I'm south center and I'm spamming fighters both north and south in small groups in hopes
that he can't get them all and someone, somewhere, will get some licks in. Suddenly, Turco
(yes, I'm calling you out) demands "CV North" "Vision" and "Nub CV" over the course of
about 20 seconds.

So, BB moron, obviously you weren't paying attention to anything that happened in the
lobby or at the start of the game. You had no clue who was on your team. The map was
fairly open as his fighters were engaged so no reason you couldn't use a scout. Your team
lost not because one CV was overmatched, but because idiots do not have ships capable of
supporting themselves. More importantly, they have NO SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. I don't
expect people playing a game to understand military concepts, but in a real war, those who
aren't paying attention are those that don't last long. The moral of the story is even if
you make them have a scout, morons will still be morons.

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 14:09

@lj -.- well i missed 5 days of prem cause of some noob..So not fun..hope he got good exp atless

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 05:30

it is a GAME! play how you fu**ing want or it becomes WORK.

which some of you serious bores obviously want

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 28. 2011 01:51

The SN BB1 was horribly designed, then Angus made it even worse.

Also NYB, hows the reload hack? ^^

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 27. 2011 22:14

PBB.BB2s and Up cause my SN BB1 can't hold scout.

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 27. 2011 22:02

While I agree with the idea that everyone should be free to choose their own
setups, I also agree that something should be done about BBs who don't load
scouts. For this, I really like the increased exp for scouting idea.

For CVs, why not reward fighter use with more exp?

For the record, I mostly play CV. (I always use fighters and scouts yes)

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 27. 2011 07:00

Scouts are over rated, everyone should be able to use their night vision **roll's eye's.

^ sarcastic
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