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  • BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 14:49

So recently i started to play a BB and man, BB's are suffering.

You join a party before the BB slot fills and wait your 7-8 min for the match to start.
But then your host is AFK.

So you leave and join another one. If the host is alive your match starts and your flag

By now 30-40 min have gone by and your a bit upset. What more could go wrong?

Im sure you guys have horror stories like this too. But it really feels like when your
playing a BB, your not struggling to battle it out in the "vs" your just trying to get a
fair, even game. If the host starts it at all.

Well i never knew BB players. What a drag.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 30. 2011 01:00

There is me, wanting to play BB, ending up in a CV to get the room started, sending
my FP to the enemy lines, beeing welcomed by 3-5 AA ships looking for cheap
Experts, fantastic game experience.
Result: Sitting again in a 20-0 room, wait for 8 Minutes and then die blind.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 22:37


lol i totally know what you mean. Since i have already made subs, AA boats, CV's the last
thing was to finally grind out a BB and use those big old guns.

Sadly thats why i posted this topic. BB ships get fewer games, and longer wait times to
get just 1 match. And even longer when a host gose AFK. Really a shame.

Afk host do kill of players in this game. And its a simple fix. Even more than the "lag"
or the "crashing" AFK host shouldn't even be an issue.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 21:23

Yeah but sometimes nothing beats blowing other stuff up

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 19:21

"Its why I much prefer playing PCA or AA Ships. Quicker games."


  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 14:58

>> It would give CV's a chance to learn scouting without getting camped by lvl 120 T4's

>> The main thing it will do is bring IMHO a LOT more enjoyment to people playing CV2-
>> 3's and learning the importance of scouting(lvl 65 T2's have at least a fighting
>>chance against lvl 75 T3's).

CV's =/= Scout bitch...

If me using my fighters to interdict enemy scouts/fighters and bombers results in vision,
thats a happy co-incidence. When the BB's run out of scouts, or are fighter camped,
then i'll consider scouting...

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 11:25

@ clemon85

Yes you bring up an excellent point. They do get fast matches and spend less time waiting
to play

I had put a suggestion down on that thread that host power could be "force moved" after 1
min of being afk. Since you are "force" retreated from battle for being afk it seems like
a good idea for hosting too.

Just simply move there power to the next in line :)

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 11:11

"Just because people cannot be arsed to become better players and sit in the back taking
up a worthwhile ship slot does not mean game modes should be created or tailored for the

Thread o'er.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 11:01

@ Bill

Thats a good i idea bill. Youtube is perfect i guess since you can just watch something to
pass the time.

It is still sad that players playing NF must resort to finding entertainment elsewhere
because there main game takes so long to play.

But yeah better than nothing. Im going to start doing that. Thanks for sharing :D

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 09:25

Worst case, you'll play but some of your teamate will have no brain.
Like sinking ennemy flag when all the team shout don't because ennemy SS is near your flag.
Or they will go back when your flag is sunk and wait the last 30 sec to rush because they
don't understand if they don't counter-attack they loose.

BB isn't only affair of big gun.

That's why they ask for nerf all other shipclass who can sunk them ;D

They should make the stronger BB of each team Flagship then this one will stay back
defended by AA escort and there will be more GB2 game possible than waiting for CV.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 08:51

The reason BB rooms do not fill is simple, EXP gain is (supposidly) higher in GB2s than BB
Look at GB1s, they are also shared EXP rooms, however as GB2 gives greater EXP GB1 died.

Why play BB rooms?

- Better chances for lower tier BBs to do damage and therefore, gain EXP.
- Better credits/points in normal rooms than GB2.
- Less skilled players can learn to play their ships to their full potential and
therefore, become MORE SKILLED.
- EXP gain can be equal to GB2 EXP gain.

Just because people cannot be arsed to become better players and sit in the back taking up
a worthwhile ship slot does not mean game modes should be created or tailored for the lazy.
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