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  • Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 29. 2011 08:29

Let me start out by saying that I have NEVER seen a CA/BB room played in my entire time on
NF. I propose we make a room type above blitz, but still with a lvl cap. I'm going to
call it "Line Battle" as a working title for now.

Line Battle---

Maximum of--
16 BB class Ships
6 CV class Ships
10 CA class ships
10 CL class ships
10 DD class ships
10 FF class ships

The maximum level of any sailor will be level 90 (This will allow BB4 class ships, but not
the proper guns for those ships. This is tentative, might be lowered to 88 lvl max)

The time limit on the battle will be calculated the same as GB1.

The default map will be no way out 1, and the default size would be 48, and minimum player
number would be 24. XP gain should be very similar to GB1.

Reasons why this would be benificial:

Would get more players using T2 planes, and increase the enjoyment of CV2-4.

Get people into their BB2-3's and not leeching/being practice targets for BB5's.

Giving people a reason not to AA until lvl91 and frustrate GB2 CV's as much.

Encourage more than just GB2 rooms.

If you have any ideas feel free to chime in, I'd like to see a very good discussion on
this. I appologize if this idea was brought up before.


  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    05. 02. 2011 13:49

Heres the faults I see upfront.

1) "The line battle is to give players a
chance to learn how to play a BB without having to get one shot by BB5's in every room"

But you say:

"The maximum level of any sailor will be level 90 (This will allow BB4 class ships, but not
the proper guns for those ships. This is tentative, might be lowered to 88 lvl max)"

The two contradict. In no way in my mind is using improper guns for a ship a learning
step. Last thing that needs to be seen is more people getting into BB4s with lvl 89 or
lower gunners.

2) "Would get more players using T2 planes, and increase the enjoyment of CV2-4."

I can buy a 200 hp car or a 500 hp car for same price, which will I use? The average CV
driver comming out of blitz (or even going into) is looking for credits and shootdowns not
scouting. They will still rely on locals.
3) "Giving people a reason not to AA until lvl91 and frustrate GB2 CV's as much. "

While I like the xp on AAing, I much more enjoy the free experts from it. Your number of
AA boats will not drop as much as you think. People will still be trying to get the
experts from it.

4) "XP gain should be very similar to GB1." "Encourage more than just GB2 rooms."

Your now trying to (in essence) mimic a dead game type to encourage a room seperate from

Heres the reality of the situation. Whatever is quickest or easiest will be done by the
masses. GB2 gives the best xp whether you do a little or a lot. If XP/reward was the
same for all rooms, more players would be in BB rooms and select rooms.

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    05. 01. 2011 09:20

BB4 becomes the new BB1, and GB2s become eight ship class BB5 and BB6 battles

>GB1 exp
>implying anyone would play it

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    05. 01. 2011 01:17

">> Thanks for using the search function and calling me out on it, but not providing a
. Way to be constructive. You're so helpful."

Lolz, I guess you could find those threads too.
SearchText=game mode&Ctg_1=&Ctg_2=&Ctg_3=

For the whole search:

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 22:18

"The inherent problem that any gamemode in NF has is this; the highest tier ships will
always farm the lower level ones simply due to the way it is set up. BB1s and PCA's farm
blitz. BB5s and BB6s (When they are there) farm GBII. Why would this be any different.
Furthermore, imagine going from BB3 in this gamemode, top of the line, then going to the
bottom of the pack in GBII. The player will quit because of the dramatic change in view."

>>You've just made my point for me. In blitz it is 50-60 levels until you can "own" in
blitz. It is then 53-60 lvls until you can own again in GB1,2. Now this seems fair, but
levels 1-60 takes about 1-2 weeks. 61-103 takes about 1 - 2 months. Why not have another
tier in between? From owning in blitz to owning in GB's takes a hell of a lot longer than
starting a fresh account to owning in blitz. I'm not going to argue that this will create
another "tier" in the leveling process, but why is that a bad thing? I'm also not sure
the "shock" as you put it, would be any larger than going from blitz to GB.

At the end of "Line Battle" you will be 1-2 levels away from your BB4. Which is about the
same amount of time to currently go from your BB1 to your BB2 after blitz. I think we can
both agree that a BB4 in GBII is a hell of a lot more fun to play than a BB2 in GB.

"I smell someone has not used the search function?? "

>> Thanks for using the search function and calling me out on it, but not providing a link
. Way to be constructive. You're so helpful.


  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 21:47

"This game mode isn't just to give CA's a place to go to sink things. It's
for BB1-3's to have a fighting chance."

The inherent problem that any gamemode in NF has is this; the highest tier ships will
always farm the lower level ones simply due to the way it is set up. BB1s and PCA's farm
blitz. BB5s and BB6s (When they are there) farm GBII. Why would this be any different.
Furthermore, imagine going from BB3 in this gamemode, top of the line, then going to the
bottom of the pack in GBII. The player will quit because of the dramatic change in view.

"You're missing the point and just being negative. If you don't want to contribute then
just say you don't like it, say why and then don't rec."

I'm pretty sure I made valid points. Negativity is important for criticism. Nothing will
ever be perfect.

"Maybe you should have been hugged more by daddy when you were little. Or maybe less. who

Boy I sure love your style of debate

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 14:45

I smell someone has not used the search function??

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 13:06

It's not about running T2's into T4's. My CV BO is lvl 112, and my fighters are lvl 119.
The problem is when you are scouting the enemy BB's and someone runs their T4's into your
scouting T2's. All the dragging in the world won't help you. I know how to drive a CV,
but it was a really frustrating process. I don't think it should be required for you to
get to lvl 100 in a CV before you're allowed to start having fun is all.


@eradicator - This game mode isn't just to give CA's a place to go to sink things. It's
for BB1-3's to have a fighting chance. You're missing the point and just being negative.
If you don't want to contribute then just say you don't like it, say why and then don't
rec. So far you have just been oppositional, and unhelpful. Maybe you should have been
hugged more by daddy when you were little. Or maybe less. who knows

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 12:24

i like this idea i ve got a cv3 and damn tired of t4 s and a colarado bb2 which dosent
have the range or power to compete with the bb4+

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 11:01

If you're driving your T2s straight into T4s, then you're doing it wrong. Ask around for
tactics and suggestions in game, I'm sure some of them will at least make the game
more enjoyable...

  • Re : Alternative to CA/BB game type

    04. 30. 2011 10:43

>Half the range of a bb3
1 2