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  • Same EXP for all (As a bouns, no more flagships)

    04. 30. 2011 04:23

So what would happen if the exp you got from GB2's was suddenly matched by BB rooms and GB'1s.

The main if not only reason GB'2s are even played by NF players is b/c the exp is the

1. If exp was the same BB players could play BB rooms all day long, no subs, no cv's. Just
BB vs BB and this would help BB players get more games faster instead of waiting around
wasting time while the match they want to play is suddenly ended by an afk host or
crashing flag.

2. GB 1's are more fun that GB' 2. Its to the death! And may the best team win!
(The part i like about this, no more finding your team having to rush the feild to get
there flag)

I feel if we can turn this idea into reality NF will actually be fun! With the choice of
BB rooms, CV rooms, GB1 rooms. (Even GB'2 should there be fans who acutally like it)

  • Re : Same EXP for all (As a bouns, no more flagships)

    04. 30. 2011 14:41

"GB2 = best xp for least effort
GB1= IMHO best battle type. Good xp sharing, and good performance based xp
BB rooms/BB1-5 etc. = Almost entirely performance based xp. Better players get the
xp. Leechers get almost nothing.

It really is that simple. The more skilled/higher lvl players prefer BB rooms, but if
you're not in a BB5 at least, there is no point in going in a BB room as you will be
outgunned/ranged by everyone else and be at a huge disadvantage."

NO. Just NO.

I did a BB room sometime, I was in my Iowa, I killed 4 of the 7 BB's they had. (Yes at
my own, 1 had taken 1 shot). All of the enemy's had BB5, 2 BB6 if I remember that

So yeah, it is able to make urself useful in a BB room. It's the best way to get exp

  • Re : Same EXP for all (As a bouns, no more flagships)

    04. 30. 2011 13:15

GB2 = best xp for least effort
GB1= IMHO best battle type. Good xp sharing, and good performance based xp
BB rooms/BB1-5 etc. = Almost entirely performance based xp. Better players get the best
xp. Leechers get almost nothing.

It really is that simple. The more skilled/higher lvl players prefer BB rooms, but if
you're not in a BB5 at least, there is no point in going in a BB room as you will be
outgunned/ranged by everyone else and be at a huge disadvantage.


  • Re : Same EXP for all (As a bouns, no more flagships)

    04. 30. 2011 07:24

"1. If exp was the same BB players could play BB rooms all day long, no subs, no cv's. Just
BB vs BB and this would help BB players get more games faster instead of waiting around
wasting time while the match they want to play is suddenly ended by an afk host or
crashing flag."

Then we have no more GBII's no thanks

"2. GB 1's are more fun that GB' 2. Its to the death! And may the best team win!
(The part i like about this, no more finding your team having to rush the feild to get
there flag)"

GB1 is not more fun than GB2. GB1 is a huge fighter spam fest while crossing your fingers
and hoping your bbs are better. GB2 provides a focused threat that allows for better teamwork.