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  • First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 22. 2011 11:44


Feel free to correct me if there are any errors. No official attack victory given for
original harbor claimants. No footnotes for any outcomes that were . . . questionable.

I'll post the next one in another ten weeks.

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 25. 2011 12:15

I would suggest you merge stats for ORP and PMW... same fleet.

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 19:04

There is one mistake.
ORP didnt lost HA against CsFleet.Was disbanded before so CS has taken harbour without battle.

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 16:03

Basically. Grow some balls great fleets of Iowa and attack us. We finally have the chance
to be "tested".

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 15:39

I was referring to defending with those types of battle conditions Fara, not attacking a
different harbor with them :-P

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 15:27

sounds boring plaz :)

Lets be honest we want to attack a strong fleet and have an excellent HA. Defending is old
and boring!

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 12:31

Now now Fara, remember, Harbors can't just be given up to other fleets (big fiasco on MO
with that situation a while ago if you remember old man X-P lol), but as KL jelly said, I
would love to face a smaller fleet in HA with battle conditions of something like PCA and
CV1 only or BB123/CV123 only. Those HAs would hold a lot different battle style than the
current BB6/CV6 fests that have taken over HAs...

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 07:46

@pepelebou cmon, the only competitive fleet that u have faced was relic and u lost.
with this im not saying cav, bap, or elite stars be noob, just that fleets dont have the
ppl enough to play an HA. they have good players but they cant win an HA.

@darby7373 mmm... that are AR-1982. ARA prefer debates about justify their fails with
"hacks" used by other fleets xD

@rehor nice job mate.

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 07:42

Maybe SDE should implement an option that if a defending fleet does not want
to keep the harbor, it can go back to TNF control. This would make sense
seeing as you can only hold 1 harbor, and if you are not getting attacked, you
don't even have the ability to lose the harbor.

  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 07:08

errr Kinluu is speaking for himself here :)

Honestly, Blacksun has defended enough in MO. Enough to get Rental bb5 10k production etc.
We really want to attack more, and thanks to 1 harbour 1 fleet rule (which was stupid)
it's highly likely we would give up the harbour in order to attack.


  • Re : First Ten Weeks of Nebraska HA's

    05. 24. 2011 02:18

Black Sun would, most likely, be willing to negotiate about conditions for HA, if a
smaller fleet decides to attack us. It is just a matter of trust.

I could imagine scenarios like a Tier 4 limit, or a PCA CV1 limit... The possibilities are
endless. But as of now, noone even tried.
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