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  • QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 30. 2011 21:12

Please help..

I have the lvl 64 2*15 rp12 L on the QE

and lvl 63 3*11 C/34L on the Gnei

How come I think that my QE hits way further than the Gnei or the AD for that matter???


  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 14:19

MK III Ds are lighter and have a little more range than MKII Ls, but worse spread and damage.

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 14:12

Craptastic, or revenge, renown gunset, but then arent the Ds the way to go?

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 13:45

So what are the MK Is for?

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 12:15

MKII L: Revenge/Renown (second set)
MKIII N: QE/Repulse (formerly known as RP12L)
MKIII L: Hood (exactly the same range as MKIII N)

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 12:10

Shouldn't the QE be using the 15 42cal Mk II Ls? The Mk IIIs are the BB3 guns, aren't they?

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 09:07

In short, QE has BB3 range, and AW KGV has bb3 range with QE guns bounce all

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 08:58

I'm liking the spread of the SoDak guns in that picture KL jelly...if only the SoDak could
mount the BB2 FCS to get that kind of spread on it instead of the STILL shotgun spread it
has now... :-/

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 06:54


Top: Vanguard,mounting MK III Ns.
Bottom: Montana, mounting NC guns in the back and SD guns in the front.

Looks pretty close to me.

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 06:40

The QE doesn't range the O Project II (14.96oLs) or the North Carolina (16" 45cal mk 6 Ls)

  • Re : QE vs Gnei Range

    05. 31. 2011 01:28

QE range is close to the BB3 14.96bLs.

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