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  • Richest player in NF?

    06. 02. 2011 04:09

So, who of you has more credits than anyone?

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 09. 2011 20:12

Angus is. He has an accountant, duh.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 09. 2011 17:20

loving your knowledge of exiles splid, awesome and factual as always. I'm no longer in exiles but i was,
now I currently owe about 400 mill creds in loans to people - notably not exiles players and I have less
than 10 mill creds of my own. Get your tnf friends to check. ps I have bought less than 10 sailors in
total. so all these exiles credits that ruined the trade market, I want my share, but then you do know
everything that happened.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 09. 2011 00:32


I never Kiss and tell P:

But look for an old player with 1 or a lot of CV6's.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 09. 2011 00:05

The most I've ever had on my account at one time was over 200 million, possibly 300.
However, I then spent most of it buying sailors and EBB's before they made it so they are
no longer tradable.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 07. 2011 17:54

I don't think he plays anymore, SenorSenor was always trading things and had a
TON of credits.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 07. 2011 17:42

Before I was in TNF I was a massive merchant. Even a bigger merchant then the
great Terribles! (Terriles) :D

There is a thread I wrote a while back about a story of a player I helped a single
time before I was a mod who came back a while later and gave me nearly
everything he had for simply helping him one time. His donation to me nearly double
my fortune and made me several hundred million credits. This was a long while ago
though and before I was a mod. :)

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 07. 2011 17:20

Theres not much point in trying to find out who's hoarding the most credits. But
whoever it is should spend it all and force massive inflation on us :P

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 07. 2011 16:27

Let's compare RL bank accounts.

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 06. 2011 05:26

whats this credits and where do i find them?

  • Re : Richest player in NF?

    06. 05. 2011 22:13

maybe not the best but a good mark,

i once had over 500 Mil back in 2008 ???

whenever about one year after they Introduced HAs.

3 Harbors
19 % on 1
16 or so on the other

but then they nuked the HA credit system -.-

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