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  • Cross Training

    10. 25. 2005 20:20

Just to add some positive feedback to the game.

How about adding the ability to cross train your sailors. In exchange for changing their class, you would lose some levels on the sailor, but not have to train from scratch.


I have a lvl 25 japanese Torpedo guy. Instead I would like him to become a gunner.
I would Cross Train him. Lose the 5 levels, reset his stats and then level him 4 levels into the Gunner position.

  • Re : Cross Training

    10. 25. 2005 20:32

Whoa whoa whoa, is this retroactive? Or just from now on?

  • Re : Cross Training

    10. 25. 2005 20:26

^He's right, you know.

  • Re : Cross Training

    10. 25. 2005 20:24

dnick454 about a NO. COULD YOU BEGIN TO EVEN IMAGINE THE CHAOS? WE WOULD HAVE JAP TW;s GETTING SUPER HIGH LVL TORPERS THEN DROPPING ONLY 5 LVLS TO BE GUNNERS!!! We would have kitas turning into BB's Its would be mass chaos. And if that isnt enough, top it off with a WRONG FORUM. This should be in suggestions.

  • Re : Cross Training

    10. 25. 2005 20:22

No one would use a cross trained sailor. Well, people might, but once they realize they're losing so many ability points, they'll sigh and have to restart from scratch, anyway.

I suppose we could add it, but I doubt many people would use it. I'd say our coders could be better spent else where.