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  • At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 10:32

Why does it feel that everyone (especially on any Jap lines, with recent events and all)
is actually FIGHTING against TeamNF to play?

No i am not actually posting to say we should all follow in line behind every decision the
developers make, i am infact questioning why they seem to be 'Attacking' us with horrific

A little thought of mine is look at my Bio on the left...
"All Warfare is based on Deception"
Why is it, that to me, it seems TeamNF are decieving us, changing things without prior
warning, or post-notification of any sort?

Say what you will, but this is what i think...

  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 13:22

What gets to me, is that balance changes are sometimes made with consultation with the
community - without a poll or the like. It would be nice even, to get some prior warning
like "Oh by the way, we've nerfed your entire nation, have fun!"....


  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 11:36

I'm not quite sure why there are half a dozen new, non-historical and questionably
balanced ships when TNF intentionally keeps historical ships like the Shima out of
players' hands because it's supposedly unbalanced... =(

  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 10:58

It is not that i cannot actually understand a particular bug or whatever taking a while to
fix, that can be blamed on technical problems i fully understand.

Its when they make balance changes without notification, when they barely even communicate
with us, and how it feels the Japanese line has been nerfed too far...


  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 10:54


sowhands, dont get me wrong...i aghree with you...

but you do have to realize that there are about 15 ppl total working on the NF project,
and most are behind the scenes people that dont do much other than basic development of
the game (art, music, design teams etc..)

TeamNF is the only guy who actually works with the mods and playerbase, so there is only 1
real dev in NF who is in touch with players.

so, u must realize that theres only 1 person, but STILL, the jap aa guns have been bugged
for what? about 3 months now? and the tsukikei ship line is still messed up..

  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 10:49

I can understand what you mean, they will have a lot of work, but the last game i was on
the beta of, the Developers were infact the biggest forum whores of the lot, responding to
almost every post that needed their attention...(and i do actually mean developer, not
just a mod, although no offence intended there towards the Mods- you all do do a good job,
and your work as part of the community is deeply valued)


  • Re : At War With TeamNF?

    10. 26. 2005 10:43

I think TeamNF has more work to do than we as users can imagine.

I will go on record and say that thier communication to the user population is less than
it should be for a finished game, but this is still a beta test.

It would be nice if things that are changed in a patch are reported in detail.

I.E. we changed it so that jap torps now move at the following speeds .... compared to
thier old stats which were..... and we did this because of X.