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  • things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 26. 2005 12:11

Here is a perfect example how blind the TEAM NF is. look at his name. everyone knows who
he is using in his shipname. adolf hitler. its political and its immoral and every jew
who has relatives surviving or murdered in the holocaust is hurt by that noob. BUt Team NF
has no problems with people having names wich regard on mass murderers. So maybe i can
call my next ship MS Slobodan Milosevic, or Josef Stalin. Oh stalin is used by someone.
maybe i call the next one muhamat atta. Everyone would shout ban that ashole. but here???

U have a double moral...

PS: In This thread I will post all shipnames and nicknames wich are immoral like that one.
or U drop that namerule.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 31. 2005 11:23

Yeah. But some people from certain countries think the whole world should hate
Hitler to his guts. Starting a political campaign in the NF forum requires little effort
and courage. So they decided to become an activitist here. Well, they can do
whatever to satisfy themelves. I think they are quite Amusing.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 31. 2005 10:55

this subject is getting boring!

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 31. 2005 06:50

Hitler is a German surname. Only when someone names himself Adolf Hitler should
you be concerned. Being a political activist is not easy, my friends. You need the
right kind of audience and a certain amount of charisma. Good luck on your anti-Nazi
awareness campaign.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 31. 2005 03:11

PLease ban or change the name of "Fuckthejaps" account if it hasn't already been done.
Second don't jump to conclusions. My favorite shipname (for my own ships) is
SofaKingStupid. <--- is this outragously offensive... for some ... if you understand it..
.but it really is a joke a laugh fun or whatever you wanna call it... Adolf is a man's
name... why not ban all accounts with names that are the same as or similar to people who
has been "dictators" "tyrants" or whatever we wanna call them. be flexible adolf is not
as bad as a ship I saw named "SS-Holocaust" .....

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 31. 2005 02:53

thats what i mean, in this case nobody can say it is a common name. there are people, who
had to watch this, but they seem to sleep. send your information directly to tem nf, press
the button contact us, and send a screenshot as evidence.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 28. 2005 16:30

in one of the games today there was a guy named hitler, not his ship, him

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 28. 2005 14:59

Nice to hear something from TEAM NF. well i am interested in the solution they achieve in
this issue.

thanks all for your statements, exspecially the last ones, there are some good facts in
the posts. i have nothing to say anymore, only one thing:

Urdeathwish wrote:
Adolf Hitler was NOT a mass murderer. he was just a man who wanted a perfect
world but had a wierd technique to achieve that!

that what this axxxxxe wrote, shows that a forum like this and this kind of discussion is
still needed.
Urdeathwish, get your freakin head out of your butt and read some fxxxxxg history books.
that from U discribed wierd technique was the industrial killing of more than six millions
of jews, sinti and roma, homosexuals, katholics, democrates, communists and disabled persons.
Do U think that a world without this people is perfect? look at Ur self NAZI how perfect R
U, that the arish friends of U would let U stay alive?

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 15:32

It's interesting to note that TeamNF and mods are always "currently" looking into
every issue. No offense, but I think you shouldn't make a statement like this unless
you are really working on a particular issue. Assurance like this no longer works
once you have lost credibility.

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 15:26


we are currently looking into the issue and try and decide what should be done.

Babs out!

  • Re : things that R not allowed, but team NF has no problem with it

    10. 27. 2005 15:24

That's another example.
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