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  • Does this game cost something after a while?

    10. 26. 2005 14:58

Hi guys,

I just talked to one of my friends in this game and he told me that he got told that
the game would cost something if you have a CL or higher.

This made me think. I am not sure. I know that the homepage and the gamserver
cost money. But that we have to pay? Here isn't also standing something about costs
for the users. So I thought it is better to ask.

Thanks for all of your answers.



  • Re : Does this game cost something after a while?

    10. 26. 2005 15:29

I allready found some.

But to come back to the topic. I think I would be better to have this game for free.
The users can donate if they want but a monthly fee would make many people quit.

I would be allright to give a donation of some euros but a monthly fee wouldn't bee
something for me.



  • Re : Does this game cost something after a while?

    10. 26. 2005 15:15

no problem, i know alot of germans that play this game, im sure if you play enough ul find
a few

  • Re : Does this game cost something after a while?

    10. 26. 2005 15:05

Thaks for the advice in both ways. For admiral and the information on payment.

But I am sorry. My english is not the best. I am from germany. so I am sorry for my
bad english.



  • Re : Does this game cost something after a while?

    10. 26. 2005 15:00

nope ur friend is retarded (navydog??? :P)

its in beta so its free until its released

o and jus to be a pain.. in ur bio thing it says u.s. navy general.. wouldnt it be admiral :P