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  • Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 11:31

Think about it, there are 45 slots and you select 6 numbers. These are almost the same odds as powerball and mega millions lotteries, only instead of winning 200 million dollars, you only get 200,000 credits or 10 experts. Kinda not worth it.

I think the odds need to come down a bit. Instead of getting 6 numbers it should only be 2 or so. That way you have some chance to actually win it in this millenia.

With the current odds real lotteries with millions of people playing there is not always a winner. With NF points restrictions there'll probably be like 100 people playing if you are that lucky, most likely a lot less.

At least with 2 numbers out of 45 the probability of actually winning is .00049, instead of .0000000000000000000000000000000049 if you had 6 numbers.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 24. 2005 08:48

ok let me tell u this:
u get one point for each post. Theres a chance of 1: 8,000,000 to win.
SO if u play the lottery 8 million times, u should have won one time(statistical)

one ticket costs 50 points, so 8,000,000 x 50 = 400,000,000 --> thats 400 million!!!
In the time I posted 400 million posts, i have easily maked 200k credits. because a million posts takes AGES. and u need not one million, but 400 million.

That stated, its just a waste of ur time.


  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 21. 2005 00:04

"1 in 5.864 billion... those odds are astronomical"

its only 1 in 8145060 (that is still big number though). the order of the numbers dont matter here.


  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 21:38

What makes sense.
Have a weekly raffle where one person wins 200k or 10 vets each each.

What doesn't make sense.
Being so naive as to actually look forward to a winnable lottery. I think it is insulting that TeamNF would expect us to get excited about having a statistically zero chance of winning anything. Also, if someone does eventually win, they will have an insane amount of vets, which will unbalance any games that they play in.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 21:12

Damn Babs about went psycho on the first page

Give him an aspirin before he has a heart attack


  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 21:00

Maybe even 3 winners per few days or something, that way somebody always wins.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 20:55


They should change the prize to TEAMNF password and all their stuff...

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 19:41

since i think the forum and game shouldn't be linked at all, it's fine that the lottery odds are ridiculous.

everyone, tell your friends that the lottery is impossible, and they can stop spamming. do it now.

also, as i recall, this is a lottery, not a weekly giveaway. they are NOT SUPPOSED to have frequent wins, otherwise that would totally defecate on the time players put into their crews. why missionwhore if you could forumwhore and be one of the lucky DAILY WINNERS?

i say remove it entirely, or just publicize it as impossible. it would do the forum good.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 19:39

"But in the real world, your paying for the tickets. Since its free here, what are you complaining about? The reason why lotteries gain money is because people buy into them. Here its just one set amount per month."

See my previous post, lmao, WHY BOTHER HAVING AN UNWINNABLE LOTTERY!!! Guitarism, you are truly astounding.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 18:41

1 in 5.864 billion... those odds are astronomical. If the odds are going to be that high TNF should raise the prize to about 1 million times what it is. Either that or, like a bunch of people said, make it so you only have to match 2 or 3 numbers. If you had to get 3 out of 3 numbers right the odds will be 1 in 85140 or 2 out of 2 it will be 1 in 1940. Anyway thats just my thinking.

  • Re : Lottery has crappy odds

    10. 20. 2005 18:18

But in the real world, your paying for the tickets. Since its free here, what are you complaining about? The reason why lotteries gain money is because people buy into them. Here its just one set amount per month.

Maybe if they institute so that you can spend some points from your game account for lottery, by buying more tickets, you could improve your chances of winning. But as of right now, your spending nothing to gain alot.
Stop complaining.
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