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  • Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 19:48

Anyone who has played the Apache in Battlefield 2 should take a look at this video.
In this real-life video footage, an American Apache takes out three Iraqi soldiers.

Notice that this is exactly what happens in Battlefield 2. Sometimes...I think video
game mimics real war actions a little bit too well.

Before you bitch about why the gunner had to finish off the wounded Iraqi, keep in
mind that the pilots were ordered to KILL, not to wound the enemies. They were
just carrying out their order. So don't shift all the blame to them. If you think this is
cruel, that's just because war is cruel.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 22:42

Last but not least:

Open page, go to bottom of the page, right click the link, then Save As.

US Marines teaches Iraqi about looting.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 22:19

Hey! I found a cool video:

Open page, go to bottom of the page, right click the link, then Save As.

Bird defeats fighter jet

Another one. Stinger defeats chopper.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 20:25

That is not close to BF2. (Also there is no Apache in BF2 lol) Here's what normally
happens in BF2.

In the gunners position in the chopper, line the up sights......*red box appears on
left with loud noise showing that your chopper is locked on* Pilot dodges the
missles shot from an airplane but that didn't matter because the missles killed their
friendly transport chopper nearby causing all of them to punish that pilot kicking him
from the server.....oh yeah, your pilot wasn't good and he crashed into the
ground. :D

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 20:18

BF2 is a very unrealistic game. It is designed to be fun, and by all means it is, but I
can honestly say they did not shoot for realism.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 20:17

Because BF2 is much more graphic when it comes to killing.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 20:11

OmG tHeYrE oRdErD tO kIlLlLLlL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111

Hey, If I just got my legs shot off by a 30mm cannon in a place with nothing resembling
medical care, I'd hope that the pilot would be courtious enough to finish the job.

Perhaps someone should post pics of Arizona going up, or Yamato getting bombed. Far more
people died in either instance, and we reenact that every day in NF.

Of course, one thing I hate about the whole BF series, is that if you're not in a
tank/aircraft, there isn't much point in even playing...

But that's besides the pont. BF and NF are COMPLETELY different genres. Why should one
choose one over the other?

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 20:03

All battles in NF takes place in daylight. No need for infrared.

The squad system in BF2 allows squad members to communicate thru voice. And this
was exactly what happen when we see cowards hiding behind vehicles. Both pilots
have to help spot the coward.

  • Re : Don't play BF2, stay in NF

    10. 26. 2005 19:49

I remember this from a year or two ago :D

bf2 doesn't allow flir does it? Oh well, I've only played the demo lol.