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  • Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 01:42

I read on the forum that it will be much easier to gain xp in the retail version of NF. It
means that after a few weeks in retail we will se bb:s everywhere. Is that what gamers
want? If they get the biggest ships too soon, they might loose interest. I believe the old
system works fine, and no, I큟 don큧 abuse the convoy-mission ;)

What do you ppl think?

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 02:27

Here is also the a harsh reality for you

01-10 = 3,760
10-20 = 27,988
20-30 = 83,242
30-40 = 200,170
40-50 = 428,690
50-60 = 767,400
60-70 = 1,360,500
70-80 = 2,501,400 (highest dropout zone)
80-90 = 4,312,900 (3+ months to pass this zone)
90-100 = 6,449,500
100-110 = 11,283,000
110-120 = 19,366,000

In other places where this has gone retail they get roughly 3x the EXP gain of us.

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 02:15

If there is a mixed response about the retail XP gain, then they should mybe reduce
it more? I agree that if it takes to long to gain new ships you'll only attract the
patient people to the game and lose the rest which would cut down alot of the
money protential, also been to easy would also be bad. Yah maybe increase it
slightly BUT NOT TO MUCH!! :-)

Most ppl would not get to BB and get bored they would prolly go and get a few diff
ships and Nations first before getting bored, increasing it slighly will give ppl more of
a chance to ecplore diff ships and nations before getting bored.

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 02:08

I won't bother buying the retail version if it's going to be that easy.
There will be even more nubnoses from the "I want it now!!!!" generation running around
than there are now. And that's saying something.

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 02:06

I'd like to see an increase, rember lv101 is only half the EXP you can gain in 120 lv's .
. . Also as it is now there are not enough high level people to keep high level people in
the game (due to caps.) Also it's not like you will just get one ship. I would love a Brit
BB (as they are god like ship) and level up my CV crew.

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 01:56

yeah, think of it like this... you buy a game, you pay for a game... It takes you MONTHS
just to get a decent ship.... What do you do, you stop paying for the game. They are only
doing to keep the people happy

  • Re : Poll about xp gain in retail version

    10. 27. 2005 01:54

oi oi oi

i think the new system is quite good coz if u can get all ships u want means....the
thing that make difference between noobs and vet is the skill.........skill will
determine ur name.....