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  • Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 06:19

Um... another patch... another newbie mission. I know you guys have already
addressed this issue with Team NF... but I don't think they understand.

High level players need a mission that gives fair... even low exp to give us
something to do while waiting 1-2 hours between games.

Maybe you can all gang-up and take some beat-sticks over to the NF headquarters
and make them understand.

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 08:21

That would be a lot of fun. It needs to give decent exp if you are surely going to sink
though. I've never played it so I wouldn't know D:

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 08:19

tryin to get em to bring back the CV/BB mission... the one no one could beat.....

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 08:17

Fair enough. Please make sure the issue is still on the team's mind... that is all I ask.

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 07:49

Well, what I can say at this moment is patience... although only have 1 mission for
high lvl player maybe boring, but atleast it still there.

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 07:44

Hmmmm..... you are missing the point. BB mission 110 or not.... how many times
have new high/mid level mission been asked for and fully agreed upon by the

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 07:41

Clam down guys, the BB mission still there. After you open the mission room manual,
press the arrow up key, then will show the bb mission.

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 06:34

Completely agree with this. There are already a ton of those newby missions and
most newbs are just playing vs. others in the newb area. Bring in some interesting
missions for mid-higher level players.

  • Re : Missions: To the mods

    10. 27. 2005 06:21

Yea Carmelo has a good point. I'm not even that high lvl as a CL 2 but i can't only
play that stupid 5 BB mission. Come on NF, give the high lvl people some variety
please. The AA practice mission for example~!! If you check the Suggestion Treads
you will see that a sizable portion of the community would like that added.