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  • Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:09

So I was doing a CL only game today, and it ended up being 4v4.

GF called so I kinda had to take the call, and I was gone for a min, tabbed, just waiting
for it to start.

I come back after I was done talking and I see someone who shall remain nameless (think of
a six shooter handgun with the name Pete... hmmm) flaming away toward me.

Not unusual, sad to say, knowing most of the NF community. But then I start to read it.

"Fing Orion (my ships name) is afk"
"I hope they kill all of his officers"

blah blah

I replied "dude, calm down, I'm back" and I start fighting the spawn campers that were
plucking away at me.

He then starts a wave of things that were uncalled for, (couple of fbombs, go screw
yourselfs, you know, that stuff)

He keeps saying "Now it's 3v4 couse you're an idiot, you made me lose, you made me waste
my time you mfer"

Nope, not complaining about him, just complaining about the sad state some, or most, of
our players seem to be in.

I know most of the players are 11-12, hell, I'm only 17, but come on, it's a game, don't
freak out.


/Rant done

  • Re : Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:23

I remember when I as a noob.. back in early march?.. and everyone was so much more
helpfiull.. aww, the good ol days.

  • Re : Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:21

I couldn't agree with you more!!

It is time that this community self polices itself as NF will not do it for us. I wish I
knew how to do this, but no one seems to have authority to fix it!

I'm sick and tired of some of the obscenities that I have witnessed. Its to the point
where you can't even ask a question or make a statement without someone flinging
foul language back at you - deserved or not.

The lack of civility that this game has degenerated too is apauling!!


  • Re : Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:17

I agree. People totally freak out when you stop responding for a minute, or if you
accidentally hit them once.

  • Re : Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:15

I did.. but I then copied a link (smart move by me...)

Most of the people on the forum know me.. so I think my word is good enough.

  • Re : Some people just need to chill out

    10. 27. 2005 15:13

should of takin ss of it