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  • Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 12:24

Take a look. Click on the screenshots tab under downloads int he blue collum on the left side of the screen. Now look at the screenshot that shows a couple ships in the waiting room.

What a great screenshot to showcase the game hmm?

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 14:25

i love that they actiuly listened to my idea and asked for new screens :)

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 14:25

But the fact that Team NF is using this screenshot to showcase the game to someone who might be using the forum is, well, horridly stupid.

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 14:18

HAHAHAHA he says hes a gamemod to and yet hes still called a hacker.. wow we are the worst community ever XP

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 14:06

I see, well, his record was 8 wins, 1 loss.

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 13:11

PJ banned me a while ago from his forums, when some of dared ask him to stop with his negative "pic" posts from At least i think that was the reason, i didn't try and remember. So many of us, are blocked from his site, a reference to it it not useful to all.

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 13:06

Except that he was actually a hacker as you can see in the screenshot through the chat box, he has a 4 gold bar rank, or in PJ's conduct reports. And it looks like I can only post photos from my hardrive...

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 13:04

This one ?
join our game and get called a hacker ?

ooops that slipped by quality control.

only 1st poster can post the photo, i made mention to this in suggestions.
So, maybe post it for all the lazy ones out there ? :)

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 12:55

Did you even look at the screenshot I was directing your attention too?

  • Re : Choice of screenshots for the website...

    10. 20. 2005 12:53

the SSs r wicked cool, i like the essex, i want it