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  • for all you gun nuts

    10. 27. 2005 17:42


the picture of the shell hitting th e deck is cool, and helps explain a bit about
armour penetration..
Armor Penetration Definitions - The ability of an Armor Piercing projectile to penetrate
armor is defined as follows:

* Partial Penetration - For hits of less than 45?obliquity, the forward half of the
shell penetrates the armor while the rear half is rejected. For hits over 45?obliquity,
the nose and upper body are rejected while the broken lower body penetrates.
* Holing Limit - The maximum thickness of face hardened armor plate that can be
damaged by a particular AP projectile. The projectile itself is rejected, but a plug of
armor, usually of the diameter of the striking projectile, is pushed into the ship.
* Naval Limit - The maximum thickness of armor where at least 80% of the projectile
penetrates. Usually this means that the projectile is broken up and will probably not
explode, but it will still inflict splinter damage on whatever is behind the armor plate.
* Effective Limit - The maximum thickness of armor a projectile will penetrate
relatively intact and still explode as intended.
Not sure how this applies to NF guns, but i will hopefully await a few posts from the gun
"pros" to see if this information is helpful.


  • Re : for all you gun nuts

    10. 28. 2005 02:46

Lerch for those you get in depth.