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  • n00b query

    10. 28. 2005 02:43

Okay, I'm still nuetral...looking to go UK. Now whenever I want to enter the UK
dockyard it says I need a bridge operator of that nationality. What level do my
sailors have to be before I can get a bridge operator?
I've gotten to the Destroyer M3 (or whatever the name was) and a full crew.

  • Re : n00b query

    10. 28. 2005 03:31

You must be minimum level 12. Select British Nationality and then select Bridge Operator.
Then select Next Ship which will be O Class. Save up credits as it takes a lot to fully
kit out the O, Q or Tribal classes. O doesn't really become effective until you get to
level 21 and can get good long range guns. At level 17 you can get the Mark VIII torpedo
launcher. It's heavy, expensive and takes up a lot of space but it's worth it.