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  • Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 13:23

Bravo TeamNF. I am blown away at the quality of this site. I perfectly understand why you were away for so long and not taking responses. This is the quality of a product that would sell. At least the site is. There are a few bugs here and there in the game but nothing that won't be fixed by December. Some of the great thing that I would like to point out : The site is more functional, has more to do, has a lottery system added, points and exp counter, and the fact that I can FINALLY change my e-mail address. I have had a new e-mail address for quite some time so it was hard to get ahold of you. Now I am back in contact. Now while those are good things, I have a few things I would like to point out that are slightly negative : The Tsukikei is still not accesable, the Tatsuda is accessale but to both lines, the lottery systems odds are a little bit skewed, also, I have found a few mispellings. If you would like me to point them out to you to be fixed, e-mail me at [email protected]

Anyways, I would like to thank you for this wonderful site and congratulate you on your move to the US and hope that all goes well. Thank you again.

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 21. 2005 19:22

This site is totally AWESOME!!!!!!! Your site looks to professional - like the big game companies. In addition, to updating you website, you should tweak the game so the Germans can have more ships in their ship tree. Ok back to the website, the Lottery is cool. GREAT JOB TEAM NF!!!!!!

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 21. 2005 19:20

I hope they make it vary clear to "NEW"people trying out the game...You dont start with a massive battleship, but you get a small FF with a few guns and have to play Days, Weeks, Months to get anything really good.

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 21. 2005 17:51

Yeah this is a wicked website, but it does seem to take a slight bit longer to load. Also, the point system is something that needs to amended, there are now just too many new topics going on at once.

hurray dnick, u didn't use constant caps ~ lol

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 21. 2005 17:44

I thought I was suppossed to get point everytime someone replys to my post. Also, lottery tickets are a little expensive, like 50 points each, you get 1 point for replying to a post and only 10 for starting one. This will encourage spamming.

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 16:56

well I like the site and all but I think the efforts put in to this site would've been better used to fix a few more of the numerous bugs in the game... anyway thats just my thought.

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 16:23

this is a prrreettyy nice site tnf....gj

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 16:19

You think this is flashy? Take a look at the chinese website.

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 16:15

Great site TNF. A job well done. =)

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 16:06

yeh the new site is pretty good definatly alot better than the old one

  • Re : Wow, Completly Speachless

    10. 20. 2005 15:40

Have to agree,

a real improvement NF, although there are some bugs left to be fixed until December.

Most of those bugs seem to be minor, such as spellings and such, but i have to agree with Obst in another thread that the Forum part have some things that should be fixed...
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