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  • Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 02:11

well i was doing some looking around on a site after looking for pictures of my ship
(USS CB 2 Guam)

i came across some interesting information

NavSource Online: Battleship Photo Archive

CLASS - South Dakota
Displacement: 43,200 tons
Dimensions: 684' (length overall); 106' (maximum beam)
Powerplant: 60,000 horsepower steam turbines with electric drive, producing a 23 knot
maximum speed
Armament (Main Battery): Twelve 16"/50 guns in four triple turrets
Armament (Secondary Battery): Sixteen 6"/53 guns in single mountings (eight guns on each
side of the ship)

now, i bring to your attention this line:

Armament (Main Battery): Twelve 16"/50 guns in four triple turrets

now, one might ask why they didnt give this class that was never actually completed
(scrapped for a treaty) her actual historical armament.

well thats the same armament as the montana uses in game, and historically but take a look
at the iowa

1940-43 Construction/Shakedown
Displacement 45,000 Tons, Dimensions, 887' 3" (oa) x 108' 2" x 37' 9" (Max)
Armament 9 x 16"/50 20 x 5"/38AA, 80 x 40mm 49 x 20mm, 3 AC
Armor, 12 1/8" Belt, 17" Turrets, 1 1/2" +6" +5/8" Decks, 17 1/4" Conning Tower.
Machinery, 212,000 SHP; G.E. Geared Turbines, 4 screws
Speed, 33 Knots, Crew 1921.

well its quite obvious that the South Dakota shouldnt be more powerful than the Iowa,
given that it is a lower level ship, so they had the last turret removed for balance, of
course, i have no problem with this... however...

quad 14's, obviously one of the MOST unbalancing weapons in the game, after all
blockshotting isnt really an achievable ability in real life, nevermind 14 inch guns,
where just a HAIR of difference in the alignment of the weapons would cause spread at
distance, due to the massive velocity of the shot, and the distance covered

however, how do they fix this inbalance? they let a few people use the weapon by limiting
stocks severely on the ships that can use it, creating an "eliteist" group

quite obviously its the weapon thats inbalanced here not the ship, so why am i making this

in my eyes, developers have shown a repeated... favor towards the british, for instance...

Quad 14's
RP12's at lvl 63 (which COMPLETELY negate the range advantage the germans are supposed to
have nevermind the fact that they do twice as much damage, and the germans only fire 33%
more shells in one volley at the same level)
Blockshotting- 6 inch trips, 8 inch trips, and Quad 14's (japs and km dont have this
option, why is it in game?)
Armor (12 inch shells doing 300 damage, yeah some accuracy there)
SIGNIFICANTLY Better support sailors (just imagine many of you know the difference +1
makes in a sailor, add another +2 to that figure)
more support slots than ALL of their counterparts

while the USN shares some of these advantages....
brit 8 inchers have a slight range advantage on the baltimores
New Orleans and Portland Class vessels have an EXTREME lack of range compared to other
ca's, i'd gladly give my armor for equal range to a york

my question is, if they have realized how overpowered quad 14's are, why havent they done
something, just like they did to the south dakota?

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 18:16

maby they should add this class of ship inot the game it could go along side the iowa

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 16:14

Totally agree, blockshots should be taken out. BB guns already do mad damage, but when
every shell hits.... And the Brits should have that 1 support slot taken away, but keep
bonuses on support stats. Also, armor should be a bit heavier or more expensive,
considering it's the strongest.

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 12:57

well then, i stand corrected....

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 12:50

Man I want funky ass camo on my SD . . . It is also missing one AA mount and it is too
long ingame :)

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 11:33

Ummmmm Kev

The South Dakota in the game is this one:

The one NOT scrapped by the Washington treaty. The one that is comparable to the
North Carolina (Better armor but not as habitable)

Both built before Iowa

Sorry man

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 11:21

Yah..I think that they should take off blockshotting or at least give every nation high
level gunners blockshot ability.

Why give blockshot to all? Because people that stayed with this game for 70+ levels (and
atm, everyone that doest OC-whore but actually play REAL games) deserve something in
return. Maybe this should happen after retail happens, I don't know.

Would this be unfair to all UK players? Not the least! Sure, giving KM and IJN
blockshotting guns and range advantage isn't fair, but then again, UK still has heavy
armor and great support and maybe make it so it takes a few levels higher for KM and IJN
to blockshot than for US and UK? At lvl 65+, a few lvls higher means a lot more grinding,
so it should be a fair balance for UK/US.

^^ the above...or we should just take away UK blockshot with quads (not all blockshot)
else I doubt we'd be seeing much BB variety.

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 11:11

well, i knew they never were... sure tw are ridiculous... but its got its drawbacks

now that we have plenty of high level british ships.... people are noticing it more...

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 11:10

And 6th months ago people complained that TNF favored IJN... >_>

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 11:06

sorry, i thought the 18's werent released yet (but then again neither is montana)...
nevermind that trip 16'50 cals were the "historical" (can you have historical on a non
commissioned ship?)

  • Re : Food For thought on game balance

    10. 29. 2005 03:32

Kevin, 1 thing. The montana in this can mount triple 18s not 16s. The rest of it raises
some interesting points though...
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