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  • Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    10. 31. 2005 07:00


I had my IT guy do me a favor and track all subsiquent ip's connected to my pc through the
game server at the hardware firewall at work. he did a tracert. in this particular op
convoy game we had 2 mysterious afk'ers on alpha and none on beta. I'm not an IT guru but
from what he tells me there were 3 ip's connected to the exact same node in a little town
in england. IN THE SAME OP CONVOY GAME. not likely.

here is my theory. 1 person has 2 or 3 computers running 2 bogus accounts on alpha and his
lvl'ed account on beta. when the game starts he's already got the game stacked in his favor.

now, then some one prove me wrong.

here is the fix. give the players a 'vote to boot' option in the op convoy games for the
specified team that has afk'ers. that allows us to boot the dead weight and retreat from a
stacked game giving the cheater less points, or an automated boot that automatically boots
an afk after 1 min of no movement.

at the very least this option would prevent mega lvling in the op convoy games by people
that dont earn the points legitimately.

there is no need to reply as i already no i am right!

you may go now.

thanks umm

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 05:47

Get over it theres always gonna be someone cheating the game somehow just
when you see it write down that players names and ban them in any games.

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 05:36

Banning similar ID's is not going to help TeamNF make money, it just means that you
get only 1 account per household, instead of 2 or more if enough people there play.

You could always get around that by just having a pal with a completely different IP
do the same thing, go AFK and do something else.

What is needed is to have Op Convoy so that there is no reason to do this. Battle
rooms do not have this problem (sure there are AFK leechers, but not often and they
don't gain much for themselves and NOTHING for anyone else)

If you make Op Convoy so there is a reason to stick around even if you are going to
lose, this "cheat" will die a quick and painless death.

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 05:11

I did this when I had Grim87, draconlord and myself in one room, those two on 1 team and
myself on the other, also I stacked Bravo with stripes and powerships."

it doesnt look like slayer would post that....

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 03:21

********To the original point of this post. While what you say is interesting it is not even
close to being "proof" of anything. Given the number of brits who play this game
and the fact that briton is not that large a country I don't think it all that odd that 3
computers happen to come from the same node. Now if you found 3 from Alaska or
North Dakota that would be a little more compelling evidence.*********

Look, the poster is NOT trying to nail someone for cheating, do you understand? He is
trying to point out that it is possible to use dummy accounts (running on computers on the
same local network) to stack games, which many people have just attested to being
possible. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? WHAT MORE "PROOF" DO YOU NEED? It is completely clear to
me and anyone else that thinks about it for more than 5 seconds that there is a glaring

I know it is possible to ban ips running on the same local network as it has happened to
me in several other games, so why hasn't it been implemented here?

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 01:23

I'm almost positive you can't run 2 game instances on 1 machine, you see any
modern game takes up residence in the system memory or page file at certain
addresses. It is not possible to be reading and/or writing simultaneously from the
same memory address. A possibility would be if someone were running an
altered .exe while this isn't impossible (given the lengths some are willing to go too)
I find it highly unlikely that this would go undetected for very long if the server didn't
reject it as unconnectable in the first place..

To the original point of this post. While what you say is interesting it is not even
close to being "proof" of anything. Given the number of brits who play this game
and the fact that briton is not that large a country I don't think it all that odd that 3
computers happen to come from the same node. Now if you found 3 from Alaska or
North Dakota that would be a little more compelling evidence.

In all the only real answer is to either nerf op-con (not gunna happen) or feast the
xp off the inexperienced players in there CA's, CV's and BB's. All the ppl who have
been grinding out levels (like me) know when you come up against a big ship and
the captain is an op-con vet. It's almost too easy and kinda like winning the

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 00:34

nico you can run multiple NF's on one computer, before it was the gameguard or
whatever it was called they used, that blocked it, but they removed it so as far as I
know you can, I haven't tried though.

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 00:26

i dun think 1 computer can logo-in 2 IDs since the 1xxx patch.(forgot)...

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    11. 01. 2005 00:12

I am curious how you got their IP's . . .

Everything you do is sent to the server, along with everyone else and then the server
sends the info back out, in terms you never connect to someone else . . .

But I know alot of Op Convoy has the host witha fake name on the other team as well.

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    10. 31. 2005 23:53

I agree op convoy is a joke.

  • Re : Here is the new cheat of the day! MODS

    10. 31. 2005 21:27

Yea its not hard to still set up Op games where one team is stacked and the other
has planted afk'ers so the host/buddies maximize exp.
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