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  • Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    10. 31. 2005 17:15

I was under the impression that experience gained in a battle was directly tied to
the amount of tac points one side has compared to the other side's.

Today I had a puzzling result. I was playing with my new crew (levels </=10) in my
NDD. I entered a game with two DDs in Alpha (a British O class, I think, and an
NDD), jumped to Bravo, tabbed, and then the host tabbed and it started. Well, a bit
unbalanced but what the heck. I out did myself, sunk the O-class and got the other
down to less than 600DP before being sunk. My total tac was 13k+ and yet it said I
lost. Now, obviously, I did not shoot any team mates and their tac totaled some 6k
or so combined.

My question is, how can such a result happen knowing what we think we know
about how this game is supposed to work?

I am very happy with my performance and the result did not hurt as I received max
experience (200 + 24% in the noob area) as well as $3k but none of this jibes with
the rules as stated.

I just want to know why.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 12:13

in noob zone no min player limit for exp gain, can gain exp on 1v1.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 12:04

I might be wrong, but I was under the impression that you have to have at least 4
ships on each side for anyone to win and gain xp?

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 11:20

Ok, I'll give you that.

I think, though I am not entirely sure, that those tac points were in the 32k range
(far left corner) but now I am working from memory and, at my age, short term
memory is not always 100%. The graph on the results page showed sunk on my
side filled (1 of 1 sunk) while theirs showed 50% sunk (1 of 2 sunk) and 50%
heavilly damaged (1 of 2 heavily damaged). Could this be where the game actually
assesses who won and who lost?

To reiterate. In this room there were three (3) players, only. Me in an NDD 02 on
Bravo, them with an O-class and an NDD-01. I sunk the O-class and brought the
NDD to about 600 dp. I was sunk by the NDD, finally. It just does not jibe.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 10:29

You're confusing Tactical Points with Attack.

Attack points are personal and reflect the damage you personally do to enemy
ships. If you do 6000 DP worth of damage you get 6000 attack. Tactical Points are
how much your entire team has SUNK in ship costs. This goes by hull cost for the
ship sunk. If you had sunk the O-class, your team would've been awarded 32,760
Tactical Points (top left corner). If you only damage the O-class and it does not sink,
you don't get any Tactical Points.

Now, if your team sinks one O-class and your team loses 3 DD-01s to that O-class,
you still win. Why? 32,760 is worth more than 3x 5250 (15,750).

Similarly if a Mogami CL sinks two M-Projects, it has not yet accounted for its own
tactical value. The Mogami is 550,000 Tactical while each M-Project is 225,000
Tactical (450,000)

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 08:02

OK, reading all this gets me thinking (uh-oh) <g>. Oh, and please remember, I am
mostly curious, not upset.

Tac points reflect the DP you have taken away from your opponents, nothing to do
with the cost of the respective ship. There seems to be a modifier for relative levels
of ships; i.e. a DD sinking a DD gets normal tac, a DD sinking a CL gets tac x 1.nn, a
CL sinking a DD gets tac x .nn, etc. This works, the O-class is 6400dp (I think), an
NDD is 5600dp = 12k dp, the remaining NDD had <600dp left so the total would be
11.4k + a mod for flagship plus for any repair = my 13k. Oh, yeah, there is a
modifier for more than one ship attacking a single opponent, this is an unknown
factor and may have contributed more significantly than we know. Perhaps this is
the reason? If so, it is a bit skewed in battles like this but I see no way around its
effects needed in larger games.
My NDD has 6000dp, hence their result that was between 6k and 7k with the same
modifiers applying.

All that makes sense and fits the facts as we know them. But none of this explains
how they get credited for the win and I did not.

Oh, and I am 99.99999% sure that I did sink the O but after a couple of days, the
details are getting less and less clear.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 07:27

If you sink a flag ship, higher lvl ship, you get more tactical points then you sink a
bunch of FFs... 10FF = 1 DD1... So u see...

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    11. 01. 2005 05:50

Tactical points are the same for everyone on that team, and are the values of the
ships sunk. This determines who wins and how many bonus credits get split up.

Attack is how much damage you do to other ships, and determines your XP. I don't
think it is affected by whether you win or lose.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    10. 31. 2005 21:42

if you had 13k tactical, then you did not sink the O class. perhaps it miraculously
burned in the newbiezone, or more likely quitted.

tactical = ship cost. The O costs more than 13k.

or, if things have changed, i might be wrong....tell me if i am.

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    10. 31. 2005 20:45

It was me versus 2 of them. I sunk one ship, they sunk one ship. I had 13k tac,
they had 6 or 7k between them. It was fun, but it just struck me as curious. I got
full XP and cash, I just think the "You have been defeated" message must have
been a bit erroneous.

I had a thought, I was flag and sunk but then I remembered that I had sunk their
flag, also. Would it have been different if I had not sunk their flag? I have noticed in
some battles that more than two flags are sunk (in two-sided battles).

  • Re : Experience, not as straight forward as thought

    10. 31. 2005 19:55

Suffern: What did the rest of your team sink? Or got sunk? Because win/lose a
battle is determined by TEAM tactical. Everytime someone on your side sinks a ship,
the tact goes up. And if your team has more tact than the other team at the time of
your leaving, then you win.
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