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  • Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 18:14

I just wonder do our opinions even count?I know were just "Beta Testers" and they
consider us replaceable but.....
We do have money to pay when it goes retail.
And the amount of "word of mouth" support goes a long way.(i've brought in a
number of Captains myself)
And do they realize how were treated can make or break the game?
I just wondered if they even care.
I know its free,and I'm the least "whinner" most of you guys will ever sink, but if I'm
gonna pay(at this point-no way) i wanna know they at least pay attention in their
mad scramble for the allmighty dollar-pound-won-yen-scheckle.

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    11. 01. 2005 01:27

we are here...

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    11. 01. 2005 00:13


Can you reply to my post. Im thinking about leaving NF due to the fact that they
only inforce rules on "certain" people and not EVERYONE. WHY is this?

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 21:43

What I meant to make it clearer-
not the moderators-but the actual game designer's and project leads.
Its my understanding, when I started playing NF they were advertising for
Gave'em a BB and 50k a month if I remember right.
But do they have any thing to do with the game,or are they just "strawbosses"
who weed thru the post's then decide whats relevent or not.
And how do they decide whats relevent or not?I mean I've read post's where they
seem to flame some people and not others for asking/doing the same thing?
Doesnt seem like it works to me.I mean look at some of the post's and replies.
Well thanks anyway.

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 19:38

i beleive someone in thar orginizations reads them and im sure they take the good and get
rid of the bad

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 19:32

The moderators read the forums, then whenever something important comes up they will show
it to TNF. At least, I think.

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 18:58

NO team NF as in the Original team NF before all the Mods had a hard time keeping
up with the mass info on the webpage. They therefor implemented OPeration MOD
to have other people do the reading for them and then discern what is and is not
important and filter down the Pertinent information to them. They then say thank
you very much we will put that on the consideration list.

And it is promptly Filed into the Americans are nuts file:
Qizz out

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 18:54

Were here 24/7^_^

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 18:54

babs, i'm assuming, that you mods read the forums and then tell TNF the most important
info taht needs to be addressed, correct?

  • Re : Does TNF even read the Forums?

    10. 31. 2005 18:51

we do read the forums.

thank you.

babs out!