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  • do both servers share same ship stock?

    10. 31. 2005 18:14

or do they have different amounts of stock on each server?
if they are different has anything run out on POW yet?

  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    11. 01. 2005 13:54

ofl, if so, vancouver would be the non-whore server, since all the whores would be
sold out already.

unfortunately, there's op convoy whores instead :-\.

  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    11. 01. 2005 13:10

We cannot buy simakaze.. why ? they don't want us to. It's "too good": being the most
expensive DD though..


  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    11. 01. 2005 13:08

are you 100% sure they share the stock? i can't be sure, because i don't think there are
any RN players high enough to have the nelson yet and that the fubu tw's just don't know
about the sima.

i'll have the answer to this question once my fubu bo reaches 32, he's mid 20's atm. might
be awhile since i don't really play him much, don't really enjoy torp whoring.

  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    10. 31. 2005 22:50

oi oi oi

my suggestion is to make the ship stock separate...coz its not fair for new
server......while all the ship has been bought by ppl in old seerver..


  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    10. 31. 2005 22:43

They share the stock.

That means the Shima and Nelson are out of stock on POW. Even though no one on POW has a

  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    10. 31. 2005 22:16

no i think.I hope 2 server can share 1 account and ship.

  • Re : do both servers share same ship stock?

    10. 31. 2005 19:37
