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  • Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 00:34

Can someone tell me how to use the torpedos....Sometimes they fire, sometimes they
don't. They also don't seem to go the direction i want....and yes I am using the
targeting line

  • Re : Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 07:31

Yup.. Unless you go manual, then there's some grey areas.. You can fire at angles
that normally you can't and turn your ship such that you hit your own torps which
are still unarmed.. LoL. I got that a few times.. Kinda stupid but that's how things

  • Re : Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 05:56

You can only fire in the arc that the Torp launcher can fire in. For example you cannot
fire a torpedo launcher backwards if the torpedo launcher is fixed forward

  • Re : Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 05:44

No, you can't fire off the bow :D The target lines will light up when you can fire.

Also, if you are using auto aim, there's a delay between you clicking and the
launcher rotating to where you clicked, you have to account for that.

  • Re : Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 00:39

That was quick, does that mean you cant fire directly off the bow?

  • Re : Torpedos

    11. 01. 2005 00:36

Press "T" to change to torpedo mode, you then need to move all ur torpedo lines to
one side, then you can press F4 a few times until it says Gradual fire mode, that
means it fires one launcher at a time (if you want). The only reason it might not fire
is because the angle is too close to ur own ship, or your out of torps or it's still
reloading. Pressing R changes back to gun mode.