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  • Does NF or anyone read these post?

    11. 01. 2005 19:22

I have posted this a few times and no one from NF seems to read these or even
have a reply. Maybe these forums are just a joke or a spam cultures gathering,
or....... (you finish it any way you want)?

Team NF needs to get real to be taken seriously
10 30 2005 1:10AM
The single most abused, neglected, out of control, and extremly vital to this game is
balancing a fair room.. Team NF needs to realize that people are people and that
most given any chance at absoulte power turns into an tyrant and others will just go
along with anyone who knows more than they do to learn..

If NF cant realize and see for themselves that this game would be 100 times better if
15 % of the players did not rule the balance of all games (Tyrants) and another 25%
fight with a tyrant (tyrants clans members) another 40% clueless (noobs) and the
other 20% just players...

It is clear to me and I have been playing for over 6 months and do not belong to any
clans or fleets ect... To find any fair game and to play in it is rare anymore, it takes
so damn long to just start a game (without tyrants stacking, noobs hosting, people
saying bugged room, retreating team members, people refusing to balance because
of thier clan members in the game and on and on and on......)

It is obvious people should not be involved in this process if it is to be fair. Even if
god was master of the room people would still bitch, not listen or care, and question
his methods of balance... So NF needs to take control and create an auto balance for
rooms!!! It takes so damn much time and and effort and still not even play a game
at all because people are people....

Take this mess that people create and make the game fun again... Everything would
move much more quickly along, free up wasted rooms that never get played, the
game severs from all the in and out and moving and making new rooms ect....

NF would be wise to atleast try an complete auto balance of battles before they go
retail for one. Secondly it cant be worse than what is in place now with people
telling other people what is or is not balanced for them (no two people will ever
agree on everything, and more than two people forget it)

  • Re : Does NF or anyone read these post?

    11. 01. 2005 20:12

I agree with infernous. In PoW the fleets take pride in keeping things clean. It
almost appears as if all the clan's in PoW compete to see who is the most respected
and who can keep it cleaner (RTN EXCLUDED)' due to crappie'. I know for a fact that
I have never played a game with my clan "AUT" all on one side. I fight my clan
members all the time. But you are very right. I have begged and yelled and bitched
and complained in these post's and can not get a word from any mod. So take infer's
advice and come to PoW.

  • Re : Does NF or anyone read these post?

    11. 01. 2005 19:27

Hepster come to PoW :) We host good rooms there mostly, except for people like
Crappiekazi (DIE!!!@). The mods read these forums, but they won't reply to things
they feel they don't need to, your point has been brought up many times in the
past, so don't expect a reply really...

  • Re : Does NF or anyone read these post?

    11. 01. 2005 19:27

May i say that the main comment about your post will be "WTF TEXT BLOCKSHOT"?
Can you sum it up for us that don't want to lose our eyes reading it? Thanks

  • Re : Does NF or anyone read these post?

    11. 01. 2005 19:23

Why yes, yes they do.