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  • NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 17:31

Anyone else noticed how many people are posting a lot of random things to get their level up (note that I'm no different even thought the odds of winning the lottery are astronomical)? I think there should be more points for replies so you don't have to post a bunch of threads to get points. I mean in the Tips and Tactics there area there are a bunch of pointless threads of people trying to rack up some points. Anyway, just my two cents. Feel free to ignore this thread if you find it too pointless.

EDIT: This post came out sounding a lot spammier than it was meant to. I wanted to call attention to the people in the tips and tactics area that are racing to post suggestions for their ships, e.g. Q armoring or how to outfit a z99. I know these can be helpful for some people, but for the most part it's not useful. You never saw these things in the old forum (yes, i forum whored the old forum too). Anyway, just wanted to clarify without bringing this pointless post back up to the top.

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 20:34

Good point the way, you decide to sell that Brooklyn yet?

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 20:33

if there were no forum whores. there would be no forum.

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 20:31

well having 10 vets is alot if u think about it, u waste a good 100 xperts or more some times just to get 10 vets, so this is y people are doing this but just leave them to whut they want, if it doesnt affect u then there shouldnt be a problem, but obviously 10 vets is more then 200k cred for me

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:45

I agree that people will spam the forum just so they may get some credits or ten vets. You could make that amount in game in a lot less time then it would outside the game. (On a forum)

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:40

Total posts-17,693
Member since- 7/16/2003
I have mabey 40,000 posts total on all the forums I go to with almost half of them on one forum. So what if I am a fourm whore... When I see someone that replies to everysingle thread in a fourm like in the KM forum right now THATS past forum whore and into OMG TEH FORUM LVL!!!111eleven
Crap like that needs to be controlled.

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:38

Well they should've expected this...

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:34

For example, me posting here...

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:28

erm...I agree with the edit at the top...

but I did bring it up!

and...there are so many meanies here... NEXT TIME DONT confirmate your email!

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 19:23


ppl who spam forums for a high forum level are just trying to make up for sucking at NF and being low level in the real thing.......

  • Re : NF Lottery = Forum Spamming

    10. 20. 2005 18:02

same as pig, over the last 4 years I probably made

14000 + 12000 + 10000 posts= and thats just the main message boards, not counting small messageboards whereI made 200-500 posts
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