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  • fuzzbane

    10. 20. 2005 18:59


this is a apology to anyone that my acount may have tked today around 11 am east coast usa time. I left acount running and ship sitting in harbor, acidently fell asleep on the couch. I was just informed that someone spotted my acount on, hosting a op con room already tabbed and my ship just starting tking everyone never moving, from what a clanleader of mine said. I believe my 5 year old son was at the controls, he is getting rather smart. I am aware that this does not make me immune to disiplinary measures. It has alerted me to the fact that i must take some action to assure my son can not get asscess to my pc so easily.

To anyone my acount might have did damage too around this time of day I am sorry.

  • Re : fuzzbane

    10. 20. 2005 19:40

lol nice

  • Re : fuzzbane

    10. 20. 2005 19:17

royalnavymat your son TKed people? He must be pretty clever at age 5:|

Then again, when I was five, I deleted all my dads work files :/

  • Re : fuzzbane

    10. 20. 2005 19:00
