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  • How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 04. 2005 13:09

how long do you think nf will last as a paying game, before either;
1) it dies and the game goes under
2) adverts pop up everywhere

Personaly i would mutch rather have number 2, coz i do love this game but i know its
fan base will fall to peices when it starts to charge. and ive said for ages that this
game COULD be ftp (free to play)

but i know in 6 mounths from chargeing the game WILL HAVE TO EVOLVE...
what do you think???

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 07. 2005 13:27

I think I'll leave simply because of the lack of respect for the community....

This game still needs to do a lot if its going to compete with other online games in
this part of the neighborhood. That isn't going to happen in a month.

I also give it 3 months after retail ;)

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 07. 2005 13:18

i won't leave i will p2p it has some things that need to be fixed but i have feath in the
dev's to fix that when retail come's

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 07. 2005 13:01

i say it will last as a normal game lasts maybe 5 years.. who knows after retail all
whiners leave the game new players come who dunna nothing about the game it will take them
couple of years to became airwind and nicotine and them after they get bored the game will
start dying.. why does the china and korea and japan server is still up if the game suck
so much?? couse it isn't suck at all just all us and eu player whine couse they get own by
a vet ..
btw why do you think tnf add mission for newbies couse they know that many player will
leave the game after retail and new players will come and see many missions and
explanation that we lv50+ player didn't have when we started playing and we will tell them
this game suck and its hard to play and they will say like "wtf are you talking about"
even if ALL vets leave the mod will still be there to help...

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 07. 2005 12:19

any more?
so far people think 3 to 4 mounths

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 04. 2005 15:31

If they charge right it could last years but if they do like most other On-line games
and charge out the A** then they wont last long give like 3 to 4 mo.

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 04. 2005 14:27

this games badly need some balance first.
ships lvls , dmg , blockshots , Armor for example

of course every Nation has got its advantages...but the differences are to great.

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 04. 2005 14:22

I dont think it will last long.

I'm remided of Infantry Online, a very fun, adictive, 2D top-down shooter.

It was a very good game. The weapons were fairly well balanced, easy to use message macros
allowed for effective communication, teamwork was relatively easy with support classes and
summoning system...basically, it was better in almost every aspect then NF.

It died hard when it went retail.

Sure, its probably still up today, but all the best players left at retail, leaving only
stat-whores who worried more about their personal K-D ratio then the objectives. It just
ceased being the fun game it was in Beta.

I predict something similar will happen to NF. The only hope I see is if they get their
act together and fix the bullshit like blockshots and majik german AA guns, then maybe
they'll keep enough people to keep it fun. Maybe.

Also, ads really kill the professional look of a game. The game is annoying enough, we
dont need ads to make it worse.

  • Re : How long do u think nf will last?

    11. 04. 2005 13:59

3 months.

1 month to get a player base, which will reccomend the game to everyone they know
1 month for them to get bored of it
1 month for them to tell everyone not to waste their money