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  • Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 00:18

Each ship has a specific name-what inspired the names you selected? Being a
traditionalist, I stuck to names that would be considered appropriate for the Royal Navy
and US Navy. Here are mine:

HMS Britannic-who knows how many British ships carried this name. Certainly appropriate
for the Royal Navy.

HMS Atlantic-another historically appropriate name for a British ship.

HMS Reknown-actual name used by the Royal Navy on an early 20th Century Man-o-War.

HMS Hawke-Royal Navy cruiser that was drawn into the side of the RMS Olympic early in it's
commercial career due to suction created by the larger ship.

HMS Turbinia-named in honor of the SS Turbinia which Parsons sailed through the naval
review of the Grand Fleet, creating an uproar and introducing the naval application of the
steam turbine to the Royal Navy. A few short years later, the steam turbine would be the
heart of the propulsion systems of HMS Dreadnought.

USS John Brown-named after the pre-Civil War abolitionist who led an insurrection at
Harper's Ferry, Virginia (now present day West Virginia). After being captured by United
States Marines under the command of then Colonel Robert E. Lee (the same man who would
lead the Army of Northern Virginia), Brown stated that only a bloody civil war could
cleanse the nation of the stain of slavery. During the Second World War, a Liberty Ship
carried his name. Today the John W. Brown is one of only two seaworthy Liberty Ships in
the world, the other being the Jeremiah O' Brian.

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 07. 2005 07:21

this post already existed.

My favorite shipname for TW is SofaKingStupid

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 07. 2005 07:13

Well, I searched through books and I name my ships after really existing ships:
Kagero: Amatsukaze
Akitsuki: Suzutsuki
When jap BO bug will be fixed and I will get Agano she will be named Yahagi.
And ORP for Polish Navy Ship before name.

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 07. 2005 07:04

KM_Orange is my main ship and KM cos it's kriegsmarine deustche
KM_Minus is my secondary ship
IN_Training is my training ship for getting my sailors upto standard before giving
them permission to board either Orange or Minus

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 18:53

for me as german and KM-driver it's pretty easy:

DD had names of famous officiers during WW1
CL had names of Cities and Regions, like Leizip/K?n etc (for K and N Class), the
Projets never were released so i focused on CL from WW1, which had names from
regions like my M-Projekt.Niedersachsen. (Lower-Saxony, it's a state in northern
germany, i live there)
CA had names of famous politcian of the late 19th century or great nation heros like
Adm. Hipper, Bl?her (War-Hero in 18th century)

BC/BB had names of former leaders of the nation like bismarck and great generals
like Scharnhorst (isn't it crazy to name a ship after a general?)

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 17:51

I use alot of names from the USN as well also from my favroit baseball team and foot
ball team.

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 16:45

wow, my inspiration comes from an other source: Greek mythology.

like Icarus and Daedalus


  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 15:36

I have tried to keep nationality sounding names... but usually with a domestic twist

my current main ship is a kberg called KM Louistein

This comes from the name of my Mini Daschund Louie, with a stein for extra german

Soon i will have my Mpro, so i'm looking at either names of WWI german cruisers, or
perhaps a variation on my girlfriends name...

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 14:54

I just made up a naming convention when I started NF, and stuck with it (names are
all Canadian)

DD: terrain features (rivers, islands, etc.)

CL/CA: cities (CA named after bigger cities than CL)

BC/BB: provinces (when I get one :D)

CV: famous canadians

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 13:07

The original USS Vigilance (AM-324) was a minesweeper commisioned in 1944 :)

Raven/Auk Class Minesweeper:
Displacement: 810-840 tons
Length: 220'6"-221'2"
Beam: 32'-32'2"
Draft: 9'4"-10'9"
Speed: 17 knots
Armament: 1 or 2 3"/50
Complement: 105
Diesel engine or diesel engine with electric drive, twin screws, 3,500 h.p.
Built at Associated, Seattle and commissioned 1944.

  • Re : Ship names...Inspiration...

    11. 06. 2005 12:55

Right...... Most people know my ship name, if they were around before I mixed with
The inspiration.... that is a secret....
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